Part 1: Her Eyes

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It's all about THE girl. She isn't the only girl, ever. She wasn't the first girl in my life. I had other girls and I fell in love and I flirted and I had joy and I suffered and I was full of emotion, just like most guys. But then I met THE girl -- and everything changed.

I want to share about her eyes. Eyes that are a deep, chocolate brown, and full of warmth.

Her eyes see things. They look inside you. They make you feel things when she looks at you.

Her eyes are dark velvet. You can imagine a bolt of such cloth, and the touch of it beneath your fingertips.

When tears fill the depth of those eyes, you know you could slip under the surface of her dark ocean and willing drown there. She's such a child of the sea, and somehow her eyes reflect the motion of waves, driving in and out on the shore.

Sometimes when I lie alone at night in a dark room, my mind turns to Emily Thorne and her brown eyes, full of promise and full of mystery. I imagine her beside me, revealed by the dim light of candles, which make her dark eyes sparkle as we share a fantasy embrace. I become fire, and her eyes smolder as she gazes at me.

And I dream of Emily and her EYES and find myself both hungry and satisfied; both confused and aware at the same time.

She is THE girl. And even as I write this, I know that no one can truly understand what I mean. What her eyes make me feel.

Fortunate man, to have found THE girl.

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