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"Miss Weasley." Snape's piercing voice was closer.

"Yes, Professor?" She asked.

"Have you already read through the textbook?"

"Possibly. I don't remember." He stood in front of her and she looked up.

"Alexandra." He said sternly.

"Yes, I've already read it."

"Grade three?"


"Grade four?"

"I've read through them all." She said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She shrugged, looking back down. "Is this about Mahoutokoro?"

"Why would it be about Mahoutokoro?"

"You tell me." She groaned. "Alexandra..." He said, warningly.

"Alex!" She corrected.

"Alex, you don't have to go to Mahoutokoro if you don't want."

"I know."

"Do you want to go?" Alexandra shrugged.

"Over five thousand miles away from the twins and Ron..." she said. "I admit, it sounds appealing."

"Any reason that don't involve getting away from your siblings?"

"Not that I'll divulge to you."

"Okay." He smiled. "But try not to lie to me again, especially not where your studies are concerned."

"I promise to try." She said and he nodded.

"Now what's this about rearranging my potions cupboard?"

"Your salamander blood was too close to your snake fangs."

"They shouldn't be near each other. They're not even on the same side of the cupboard, never mind the shelf."

"One of the students must have put it in the wrong place, I suppose."

"How did you come to notice?"

"I was in your cupboard. Rearranging."

"Why?" Alexandra shrugged.

"So what are we doing this lesson?"

"Well, seeing as I had originally planned to teach you second year defence theory, I suppose my plans will have to change."

"Are you going to teach me legilimens?"

"Not today, Alex." She slumped back in her chair, disappointed. "Write me a three feet essay on creatures classed as beasts and their places in society."

"Sure." Alexandra leaned over into her bag to pull out some parchment and writing utensils.

"I should have clarified. I meant as homework. You can't do much without using books from the library." He stopped. "You might be able to..."

"Okay." She stopped and looked at him.

"For now, we'll end today's lesson."

"Already? It's not even been twenty minutes, and most of it you've been out berating students from your house."

"I don't exactly have any material to teach you right now."


"You may sit in here, if you really don't want to leave." She nodded, grinning.

"Professor, are you an animagus?"

"No no." He denied. "Are you planning to be?"

"I'm thinking about it. Not now, of course, but perhaps sometime in the future, when I'm better at transfiguration."

Alexandra WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now