Setting The Facts Straight

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"I went to juvie, and I did my time. I'm helping the elderly couple who was in the accident. I'm trying to make up for my past mistakes" she came closer to me. "So what you want to be best friends again?" I snapped at her. "No I just want you to forgive me, Ella" I looked down at the floor.

"I forgive you", she hugged me. I slowly patted her back. "Do you want to go back, sweetie? The judge said if your still unwell you don't have to go again till tomorrow" my mom rubbed my back comfortingly. "Yeah, I just need some water" we walked outside; she took my dad and walked off.

"You alright E?" Cyrus wrapped his arms around me. "I don't remember those texts Cyrus and the things she said...I-
she threw my dad's affair in my face" I started breathing heavily again.

"Where is she? Move! Ella!" that could only be one person. Bryce. He pushed Zach aside and walked up to me, pulling me away from Cyrus. "What's wrong why did you start throwing up?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine just the nerves" I hugged him.

"Oh, Bryce your here," my mom said, giving me water and some mints. "Oh hey yeah I heard about what happened, so I came to make sure she was alright", he replied, shaking my dad's hand. "That's good she needs support during this difficult time" my mom rubbed my shoulders. "Wait you're still doing it? Why?" He asked.

"What do you mean why Bryce? It's for Hannah. She deserves justice!" Clay yelled. "And what Jensen she's dead!" Bryce yelled. Hannah's dead. "That means we stop caring? Yeah of course cause the more that comes out, the more it makes you look guilty! You fucking rapist!" He yelled. I watched Tony and Zach hold him back.

"Clay man you need to stop saying shit like that your going to get yourself into serious trouble", Bryce warned him. "That's it, Ella! You are just going to give up on Hannah. Again!" I looked at Sherri. Jeff got justice. I suppose it didn't bring him back, but someone still paid for it.

"Clay listen I don't know you, but you got to calm down I don't care what you to say, Bryce. Ella, she's my girl so watch your mouth," Cyrus said to him angrily. "Sweetheart, we should go come on" my mom ushered me out of the intense area. "I'm right behind you guys", I heard my dad's voice.


"Order! Order! We're back in session now." The judge pounded his gavel. "Are you alright to proceed Ms Walker?" He asked, "Yes your honour" he nodded. "You may approach the bench", I rose my mom squeezed my hands. "You got this sweetie" I walked and sat down.

Sonya came back. "Before we went to recess, I had Ella read the final conversation between her and Hannah Baker. Would you say she was jealous of you, Ella?" I looked around.

"I mean yes but we're all a little jealous-"

"So she liked attention? She liked making everything about her?"

"We all like attention, don't we? We all want to be seen."

"Did Hannah like attention?" She pressed the question.


"Did she purposely try to get attention from boys?" She asked.

"No people spread rumours, and she started getting unwanted attention from everyone."

"Did she purposely print out Justin Foley's class schedule so that she would run into him?"


"Then, when he paid attention to her, she got upset?"

"She was not upset about that. She was upset about the leaked picture for the record he didn't share it that was Bryce," I explained angrily.

"Right but she basically stalked the boy, got involved in his life then was upset with the repercussions."

It's Gonna Get Better // Cyrus Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt