Heir of Glassi

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(Y/N) POV - 2,869 words
Sorry, this took me a few days to write. I hope you like it. Remember, if there's anything you'd like me to add or change, please comment. The next chapter should be up in a day or two.
I'm leaning against the wall in a shadowed alleyway, mostly hidden from sight. The chatter of the marketplace a constant din. The market stalls are crowded with people clamoring for the best fruits and vegetables. Underneath it is a buzz of excitement, something important is happening. Everyone's chattering about the Hunter Exam, how it's supposed to be the most difficult one yet.
I've been busy the past two years, taking random jobs and building on my skills as an assassin. I haven't had the chance before, but if there was ever a year to take the Hunter Exam, it's this one. I haven't been hired yet, which is strange, even though it's early in the year. My skills are normally in high demand. Since I have a short break, I might as well take this opportunity to test my ability.
I listen for a little longer, but receive no new information. Mentally, I organize everything I've learned:
1. The Hunter Exam is being held here, in Zaban City
2. Several contestants have already been eliminated
3. There are guides all over the city looking to direct promising contestants towards the proper location
That's it. It's a little difficult to work with, but I've been in worse situations before. I stand completely straight from my place against the wall and decide to find myself a guide. I scale the side of the building, attracting as little attention to myself as possible and stand on the roof, scanning the city. I guess I'll wait until a guide finds me, after all, I need to show "promise" in order to be chosen. I spend the rest of the hour running around, leaping lithely from rooftop to rooftop.

When I finally land back on the ground, there's a man waiting for me. He says, "How'd you like to be a Hunter?"
He gives off a weird feeling, and I remain silent, keeping distance between the two of us, "Come on, I won't bite. I promise."
He gives an oily smile, so I tense and leap back onto the roof, far out of his reach. I hear a curse from below, "Come on down, girly. I just wanna take you to the Hunter Exam. No ulterior motives here."
I take a moment to survey his face. I immediately recognize the beady, piercing eyes. His name is James Lieker, notorious in the underground world as being the most successful human trafficker in the world. I smile, a gleam in my eye. He must not be able to see me properly. Putting on my best "naive, scared little girl" voice, I respond, "Are you sure?"
He nods, "Why would I lie?"
He's slicker than oil. Charming girls only to lure them into slavery? Disgusting. He's so full of himself he doesn't even realize, he really believes me. Would a weak, naive girl be able to leap across the tops of buildings? On the bright side, I now have a reason to kill him, even without a contract. It would be preferable to be payed for this... excursion, but no matter.
"Okay, if you say so, sir. I have to get something, first. Can we meet up somewhere?" I ask, still playing dumb.
"Sure. Let's meet at that tower. One hour," he replies, pointing to his right. I nod and leave. Running across the rooftops in a winding pattern, to make sure no one follows me. It's probably unnecessary, but old habits die hard, and you can never be too careful, especially if you're in my line of work.

I find my house, dropping in through a hatch in the roof. I live in a section of Zaban city where no one cares who comes or goes. It doesn't take much to buy their silence, nothing but a bit of fear and some jenny.
I walk to the wardrobe and begin to prepare. There's a chance I'll have to leave for the Hunter Exam soon after, so I'll need to bring more than I normally need. Knowing Lieker, there'll probably some backup hidden in the shadows, nothing I can't take care of beforehand, but better to be safe than sorry.
I open the wardrobe and put on my best dress, so to speak. I don a tight fitting tank top, a pair of leggings, and a pair of knee-high combat boots. Opening the secret compartment in the bottom of the wardrobe, I grab all my weapons and adorn myself in a dress which hugs most of my figure and stops at mid-thigh. The sleeves—made of black lace—reach to about my elbows. A sweetheart neckline leaves my neck exposed where I place the choker adorned with different beads. Each bead has a different poison. I wrap a bandolier around my waist, strapping twenty of my best knives to it. Dressed in all black, the only visible weapons I have are the two swords I sheath on my back.
Closing the wardrobe and looking in the mirror, I grab my little jacket to hide the bulk of the knives from view. I spin around, checking to make sure everything's in its rightful place, then move on to my hair. I put the (H/L) (H/C) mess into my favorite hairstyle, making sure everything looks perfect before leaving.
Years of experience have expedited the process, enabling me to get ready in the span of five minutes. I climb back out of the building through the hatch in the ceiling and run off across the rooftops once more, heading towards the tower.
I stop once I'm a few blocks away, dropping into the street and opening my senses to anything amiss. Out of habit, I use Zetsu, concealing my aura as I stalk around the streets in a spiral, closer and closer. I use En to predict exactly where life forms are, though I'm not yet experienced enough to see clearly which they are, so I only know there is something there. I make a mental note to work on it.
Creeping around, I find the first suspicious man, his aura emits a malicious intent. I leap onto the roof from one alley over, landing silently on the tiles. Peeking over the edge of the building, I see him standing with his back to the entrance of the alleyway. His attention seems to be focused on a smaller life form. I hang from the gutter, dropping behind him and get a look at what he's doing. I'm so shocked I nearly gasp.
Laying on the ground is a dog, hunched over, protecting something. The man is sneering at the dog, trying to kick it. The dog, for all it's worth, doesn't move. Anger burns red-hot beneath my skin. Lackey of Lieker or not, this man shouldn't get away with animal abuse. I don't even bother with my swords, kicking him as hard as I can in his side. He hits the wall with a sickening crack, nearly splitting his body in half with the force. The building he slammed into collapses with the strength I put behind the kick.
Using En once more, I check to see if anyone nearby has been alarmed by the crumbling building. Thankfully, everything seems quiet. Lieker must've paid everyone to look the other way for our meeting. I have to hand it to him, it makes my life much easier.
I walk over to the dog who growls and snaps at me, nipping at my fingers. I release my aura, reassuring the dog I'm not there to harm it. Slowly, I gain its trust and it moves aside, letting me see what it was protecting. On the ground is a squirming puppy. A few months old, if I have to guess. It's just old enough to be separated from its parent. The dog nudges its puppy towards me, whining softly.
"What's wrong, girl?" I ask quietly. She just whines again, moving away from us. The puppy tries to follow, but she growls at it. The meaning is clear: stay with the human. I move towards the dog who remains standing at the back of the alleyway. Before I can do anything else, she collapses, crying out when she hits the ground.
I race to her form, not caring about the half-hearted growl she gives. Her puppy is right on my heels. How long was that man here for? Hurting this poor dog for no reason? She was just protecting her puppy. I know just from looking, her injuries will cost the dog her life. I whisper to her in sadness, "You're too good for this world. I hope wherever you go next will be better."
The dog closes her eyes slowly, licking her pup's face one last time, before she passes on. Bloodlust seeps from me, stronger than before, and I can barely get it under control with Zetsu. I turn towards the man, a gory sight. His ribs are broken and the bone shards are protruding from his side. I smile deviously, he died too quickly for what he did.
The puppy whimpers in fear, letting out a small bark at the prone form of his mother. I lean down and pick him up, soothing him until he falls asleep. I can't very well abandon him, his mother left him to me to take care of. I stroke his velvet ears as he twitches slightly in my arms, "I'll name you later, little one."
I know I'm going to be late for my meeting with Lieker, it took me five minutes to get home, two minutes to get ready, and another ten minutes to get to here. I've spent the past twenty minutes with the dogs and surveying the area for any more of Lieker's goons. I carry the mother out of the city limits and dig a hole over six feet deep (I don't need any animals disturbing her final resting place), placing her in with care. Once I've finished covering the hole and paying proper respects, I place a rock to mark the grave along with some wildflowers.
The puppy sniffs around the area, barking in approval. I smile, he's going to grow up to be brilliant. I'm going to train him every chance I get, it's certain. I scoop him up and go to meet Lieker.

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