Chapter 44~ The Fire

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Gem was turning around to retrieve her laptop when the explosion happened. She was blown off her feet and sent crashing into the adjacent wall. There was a moment where everything went black. Eventually vision came back to her but it was blurry and hazy. Perhaps that was from hitting her head or perhaps it was the smoke.

Vague shapes took place. Gem could see where the corridor ceiling had con-caved and collapsed. In the distance there was an orange blaze. Fire. Three figures stumbled out of the living room which was consumed with smoke. Gem coughed into the wooden floor boards. Her face stung from the fragments of glass that were still stuck in her flesh.

Libra, Cancer and Scorpio had been right in front of her before. . .

The smoke was too thick. Mini.

Her head was swimming. Where were her teammates? Where was her sister?

Gem's ears were ringing as she pushed herself onto her feet and then fell against the wall to hold herself upright. She squinted and maybe she was imagining it but the fire seemed to be getting bigger.

One of the shadowy figures approached and helped her to take a few steps. Their face was caked in ash.

"Gem." Pegasus looked to be yelling but it only registered with Gem as a whisper. Together they fumbled through the smoke in search of an exit. The front door—it was not far from there.

A head of dark purple hair and one of electric blue. Mini and Pisces appeared amidst the smoke alongside Ara and Draco. They looked disoriented but alive. Gem's chest sank in relief, as if they were safe yet.

The pack collectively found the exit and tumbled out onto the grass, finally filling their lungs with fresh air. The ringing in Gem's ears impeded her from hearing Mini's cracked sobs. She was going to ask her twin what was wrong but then she noticed the severe burns that traveled down Mini's neck and across her collar.

Water swished inside the kitchen sink as Aries and Capricorn got back up to their feet. The blow caught them off guard. It made the whole treehouse shake. Aries staggered back and tripped onto the floor whereas Capricorn held onto the counter for dear life. Shortly after the initial bang there was a series of loud cracks.

The boys had no idea what it was, but they sure knew it wasn't good.

"What the fuck?" Aries exclaimed. Some of the overhead water pipes had ruptured and it was now raining down on them.

"What the hell was that?" Capricorn rubbed his eyes in an attempt to see clearer. The kitchen had become a little hazy, as if someone had burned something on the stovetop.

"We gotta finds everyone else. Maybe someone's hurt," Aries said, pushing his now wet hair out of his face.

"Shit, Mini." Capricorn dashed towards the archway and then out into the corridor. Aries was hot on his heels.

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