TAKEN (chapter 7)

Start from the beginning

I smiled back at him and nodded at him giving him permission to start.

He dabbed some alcohol on the cut and I took a sharp intake of breath.

It hurt, like really freaking hurt, so much that tears were rolling out of my eyes and I clenched my teeth together. I grabbed onto the kitchen counter and squeezed my eyes shut.

I was literally about to scream out when I felt Phil take the alcohol away and the pain to stop slightly.

"I'm sorry love, I'm really sorry" he said with a worried look on his face before he grabbed my face and wiped away the tears with his fingers delicately.

"It's okay" I smiled sucking up the tears "you had to do it, it wasn't your fault" I smiled back at him reassuring him it wasn't his fault.

"Okay, well I'm still sorry" he said before grabbing some white bandages form the first aid kit and wrapping them around my hand gently.

This simple motion of his fingers slowly rubbing my hand made my breath slow down and for my whole body to just calm down.

It was nice and relaxing and my shoulders slouched in content.

"Alright love, you're done" he said dropping my hand gently and tapping my shoulders.

I hadn't realised that I had close my eyes before he did this. I was just running out of energy as I hadn't eaten in god knows how long.

"How long have I been here" I asked hopefully looking for a answer.

"Um well I don't know if the boss wants me to tell you" Phil stiffened at my questions and turned away from me.

"Please" I huffed sadly "just tell me" I pleaded with him. Phil seamed the nicest so I guessed he would be the easiest to persuade to tell me something. Anything would do, I just needed one piece of information.

"I can't" he sighed running his hands through his dark hair.

I lost it then.

"It's my life for God's sake so you better tell me something now before you regret it. Anything. Where the hell am I. Why am I here. And what the hell do you want from me!" I shouted at Phil jumping off the kitchen counter and cornering him into the wall.

I felt slightly bad as Phil had been the nicest to me so far but I couldn't stand being in the dark any longer. It was my life and no one would ever be in charge of it.

I stared down at Phil (well I actually stared up as I was a lot smaller than him) giving him my strongest gaze just waiting for him to crack under my glare.

I was pulled out of this overpowering state by a figure walking into the room.

"Hey what's all the shouting about" PJ sauntered into the room giving Phil and I suspicious looks.

I turned on him. PJ was my next victim.

I quickly walked towards him making him stager backwards giving me a slightly scared look.

"Where the hell am I? Why am I here? And what the hell do you want from me?" I whispered slowly and menacingly.

This whole overpowering state had suddenly turned me into a monster and I felt bad.

I was being mean to the two people who had actually shown the slightest bit of kindest to me. I felt bad.

I wasn't like this before they took me. I wasn't mean and demanding and I didn't shout at people and make them cower into corners. Even though I'm sure both these boys could knock me out with one blow of their fist.

But a voice in the back of my head told me that they wouldn't hurt me and I don't know why.

These thoughts forced me to snap out of the gaze I was giving and nearly fall backwards from my stiffened body.

I staggered backwards and rubbed my hands down my face feeling the tears starting to fall again.

"I'm sorry" I whispered "I don't know what came over me, I just really want some answers" I cried looking up at the two boys with pleading looks.

I was literally begging for information and I saw the look they shared between the two of them.

They seemed to be speaking to each other with their eyes and I found this fascinating. They must know each other really well to be able to do this.

"Okay" I heard but it could have been a mistake.

"What?!" I asked slightly happier i was finally going to get some answers.

"We'll tell you some information, but I'm warning you, your not going to like it" PJ warned before leaning on the counter beginning the story.

Cliffhanger 🙊

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