"Your alive! H-How?!", he asked, still can't believing that she's alive after all these weeks of never showing up. "I thought I was never going to see any of you guys anymore", she said tearing up as Suga walks up to her, hugging her.

Suga was so relieved she was okay, after all he lost hope and thought she was dead. "What is happening right now?", Irene asked. The two break the hug, laughing. "This is Lisa", Suga introduced. Irene and Seulgi stood there awkwardly smiling. "Jungkook's girlfriend", Suga continued to say making Irene and Seugli's eye's widen.

"Your Jungkook's girlfriend?! Whaaaat?!", they asked still being surprised. Lisa started to get shy. "Yeah"... "Oh, and this is Bambam by the way", she introduced. He takes off the mask, revealing who he is. "Hi, the names Bambam".

They all shook hands feeling a bit more comfortable with each other..."He saved me"... "Thank you for saving her, and I think everyone else is going to be glad to see you", Suga smiled. "How are they? And Jungkook?", she asked desperately wanting to know..."Well...He hasn't been himself".

Lisa was sad to hear that Jungkook's been different, although she knows why.


After everyone got to know each other, Bambam's walkie talkie started to make static noise as he pulls it out, and quickly answers... "Hello? over". No reply, but static noise. "Hello, anyone there? Over"...."What is it Bam?", Lisa asked.

"I don't know, but let's go- I'm afraid something happened". "Suga let's go". All five quickly, but quietly rushed back to the hotel, trying to avoid walkers.


They arrived and went through the back door since the front entrance was guarded by many walkers who were desperately wanting to get in.

When they arrived at the room, Bambam finds the door slightly open. He quickly bust the door open finding a mess and a pool of blood all over the floor, and also with a terrible, odor smell. "What the- Mom, Milo!", Bambam shouted in panic.

"Oh shit what the hell happened here?", Suga whispered. "Where are we?", Irene asked. "His home, Bambam saved me and his mother fed me, just seeing this scene breaks my heart- I wonder what happened".

Bambam started running everywhere trying to find his mother and sister, but they were nowhere to be found.

Irene and Seulgi stayed out, not wanting to smell the terrible smell of a dead person. "Milo?", Lisa called. She walks down the hallway, on her way to the bathroom, but suddenly hears a noise from the room across.

Lisa (Pov)

I slowly entered following the noise. "Milo? Are you in here?". But then out of nowhere someone or something attacked me, surprisingly. "AHHHH", I screamed, trying to push her off. I got a good glance at the person and was shocked to see who it was.

Bambam's mother?!...How did this happen?!....She kept trying to get a bite of me, but I kicked her off, making her flip and I quickly got up and shot her forehead, without hesitation, making a loud noise.

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