"But it feels a little weird if there are only three of us," Sakura muttered. "I can take the exam next year if you want. I mean between the four of us, I'm the only one who's useless."

"No, you've been training really hard. I don't want you to cancel it just for me, nanodayo." of course she refused, the Hokage had told her not to take the exam. 

The pink haired girl sighed. "I'm really curious about this ... what made you want to become a ninja?"

"To be strong. So that I don't see other people die because of me," Shizuka looked at her lucky item, a teddy bear. "How about you?" 

"Well, to be honest I want to become a ninja because of Sasuke-kun," Shizuka let out a bored sigh. The reason is, the girl always tells about her amazing Sasuke this, Sasuke that. "I want to keep seeing Sasuke-kun. Got high scores to get his attention. Well, even though he's still very cold to me." 

Sakura chuckled, fist pumping with the air. "Alright, Let's train, Shannaroo!!"


Today's chunnin exams have started and Shizuka is back with her ANBU team. Among other things, she just told that she wouldn't go with Sakura. And she wouldn't tell Sasuke and Naruto. Shizuka was sure Sasuke wouldn't care, but as for Naruto, she didn't want to hear his screams of protest. She might fail later and have to take the chunnin exam. 

During the chunnin exams, Shizuka was just patrolling along the Konoha village roads. Secretly observing the ninja from another village. A little tedious to be honest, but if not meticulous it could be fatal later.

Shizuka jumped down in front of the gate of the forest of death. A few hours after the second exam started. The girl then realized something not far from her. There, in front of the small statues, were 3 corpses from Kusagakure —the village hidden of grass. Red blood colored the ground and the statues. And the strangest thing, they don't have faces. 

Is it enemy? Shizuka furrowed her eyebrows. It could be that they were killed before they entered the forest.

Shizuka immediately summoned Anko, the jounin in charge of this second exam. She narrowed her eyes when she saw Anko unconsciously rubbed her neck. "We have to tell this to the Hokage. Please ask your team or another ANBU team to enter the forest. I will chase them!" 

Shizuka didn't answer and went straight to the Hokage's room to give the information. Like what the Hokage predicted, it seems like someone took advantage of this exam to attack Konoha.

"Frog, which village do you think they're from?" Hiruzen questioned, leaning his back on the chair. 

"So far, I haven't seen any strange movements from ninjas from other villages," replied Shizuka honestly. "But I have a feeling that it was Orochimaru's doing."

"Orochimaru?" Hiruzen tensed. "What made you think that?" 

"I saw Anko's curse mark reacting," Shizuka stated stoically. "But that's just my prejudice, and it can be false. Anko is checking, we'll know when she comes back." 

"Very well," Hiruzen nodded curtly. "If you're right, what was he doing there?"


A white smoke erupted and an ANBU with an eagle mask appeared. The man bowed respectfully. "Sorry for my indiscretion, Hokage-sama. I bring a report from Anko, that it was Orochimaru who killed three genins from Kusagakure." 

Hiruzen let out a resigned sigh. "Continue."

"And it looks like he's after Uchiha Sasuke," continued the ANBU. 

"What does he want from that boy?" asked Hiruzen resignedly. He still couldn't understand his student.

"Hokage-sama, I've heard that Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki organization. And once planned to get Uchiha Itachi's sharingan," explained Shizuka. "Maybe because he couldn't get to Itachi, so he's targeting his younger brother, Sasuke." 

"Maybe you're right, frog," Hiruzen exhaled. "We have to tighten the guard. You two can go."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


Shizuka has returned in her everyday clothes. She just came back from the market to buy some groceries, and of course her tomorrow's lucky item.


Feeling her name called out, she turned to the source of the sound. There, Naruto was running towards her, waving his hand widely. 

"Naruto," she called back, staring emotionlessly at the man until he is standing right in front of her.

"Shizuka!" he exclaimed, his hands crossing his chest. "Why don't you take the chunnin exam? We should be together, with Team 7, the four of us. Why don't you come?!" 

Naruto brought his face closer to Shizuka. Smoke came out of the boy's ear and nose.

"Sakura didn't tell you, did she?" Shizuka asked casually, taking a step back so as not to get too close to him. 

"Tell me what?!" he exclaimed, then shook his head several times. Suddenly clasping her hands and pulling her away. "Ah no, no. Let's go to Jii-san's office now!"

"Can you lower your voice? You're disturbing other people," Shizuka let go of his grip, her eyes glanced at the residents who looked uncomfortable hearing Naruto's exclamation. "I'm sure Kakashi told you this. To take the exam, you are required to bring a team of 3 people. Since we have four members, then—"

"Then one has to give in?" cut Naruto. "That's not fair!!! The four of us should have taken the exam together!!" 

"But it also wouldn't be fair to other teams," added Shizuka. Her eyes stared at the man in front of her. Even her voice sounded heavier and colder. "with four people, that means there is additional strength in a team. It is not fair to other teams."


"I get what you mean, Naruto," she sighed. "But you don't just think about your own feelings. You also have to understand others." 

"I'm sorry. I just ... want the four of us to be together."

"It's fine," she raises her glasses. "Besides, it's already the last test, so it's useless if you want to beg to the Hokage, nanodayo.

Naruto huffed. Crossing his arms over his chest. "You're right .... Wait, ahhhh I just remembered!!! I have to train for the test!! But I don't have a teacher to train me! Kakashi-sensei already trained Sasuke!! What should I do?!"


What did he just say? 

The girl looked at him doubtfully. Her forehead furrowed. "You ... passed?"

"Ack!! What's with that look? Of course I passed, dattebayou!" Naruto puffed out his chest with a big grin. "This is the initial stage for me to become a Hokage!!" 

Shizuka kept looking at him in disbelief and doubtful. "Who are you against?"

"Kiba! He was in my class back at the academy!" he growled, his expression turned to be annoyed. "He's from the Inuzuka clan. Argh!! He and his dog are so annoying!" 

"An Inuzuka?" Shizuka remembered that clan. A very good clan with their sense of smell, like Kakashi. "How did you beat him?"

Then Naruto's attitude changed rapidly. His cheeks flushed. His eyes moved everywhere but did not dare to look at her. Sweat started to come out of his body. And his mouth made a grimace. "Um... That... Ah... You don't need to know, dattebayo!!" 

How can I tell her that I farted to beat him?? This will make my pride crumble before her!! And she will look at me in disgust! 

"Ah, as I thought," Shizuka deadpanned. "it's just your luck."

"You're so mean, Shizuka!!"

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