Gun stopped in his tracks and turned around just as fast as a boomerang would.
Did he just give me permission to kiss him?
"I said do it, kiss me!"
Gun walked back to where Off stood. His feet had never moved this fast in his life.
"You sure, P'?" Gun asked, wanting to make sure if that's what Off wanted.
As far as luck went Gun thought he had it good in that department. Many a times things had turned for the better for him. When he had started his day he had no idea that lady luck would be this generous to him. Guess he had done something to make her happy.
To think that the person whom he had been pining over for the past year was asking him to be kissed was surreal to say the least. The moment he heard Off, his heart had gone crazy, beating a thousand beats per minute. Like If that was even normal for a human without being dead. But that's how he felt right now.
He could clearly recall the the day he had first laid eyes on Off even in his sleep. The scene could be described to no less than a beautiful painting residing in the vast halls of a museum.
An exceptionally good looking guy seated at a small table of the library, his head bent above a thick hardcover paperback book. The rays of the sun from the window painting his parted hair with different hues of brown. It had mesmerised Gun, by how the dark rimmed glasses that rested on his perfect bridged nose contrasted against the pale skin of his face as if it had never seen sunlight.
To put it in simple words, it was infatuation at first sight. Never had a person made his head turn twice and Off sat there, making it impossible for Gun to avert his eyes. Truth be told, the presence of a good looking guy in a library was a sight for sore eyes.
From time to time Gun had helped his dad around in the library. It was not like they had a shortage of staff but Gun's dad had always insisted him to hang around the establishment so that he could learn the ropes of the business.
His family was into publishing along with a chain of libraries scattered around the city. This particular library was the first that his father had opened and was considered as his father's baby. Gun's father had invested a lot of time, sweat and money into building this library to what it was today and he never let Gun forget that.
In the beginning, Gun had found it bothersome but with Off's arrival everything had changed for him. He found himself visiting the place a lot just so he could get a glimpse of the person who had made his heart lurch out of it's resting cage.
Some days he was lucky, other times not so much. Of one thing he knew and was sure was that, Off's visit to the library was certain on Saturday's. And he hated that particular day of the week, because there was this one person who always accompanied Off every time he visited the library on a Saturday.
A few months later Gun had come to know that the person was Off's boyfriend and his name was Mint. It was always Mint who submitted the books that him and Off had taken to read. One such day when Mint had come to hand over the books Gun had casually started a conversation with him and the rest had just followed. Mint couldn't stop raving about his boyfriend. It was not difficult to see that the couple were very much in love.
The way Off smiled when he was with Mint or the way he acted around the little guy spoke volumes. Gun hated watching them together but he never let it reflect on his face.
One thing Gun prided about himself was his ability to keep a poker face. He never wore his heart on his sleeve. That's how he had survived until now from unwanted advances. The fact that he was handsome and people found him desirable was not lost him.

The Library On Siam Street (OffGun one-shot)
RomanceBoth, Off as well as Gun, would never have imagined that an evening in a library could change their lives forever. Disclaimer: Partial smut. None of the characters in this story belong to me. They are a property of their ownself. [Although I wished...