Ch. 16 - Lifting The Rule

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 This chapter is dedicated to Fallzswimmer. Her stories My Life with the Walters Boys and My Life as a Walter Boy are incredible. Read them if you haven't already. 


Isabella’s POV

I finish my food and belch loudly which causes the guys to erupt with laughter. I then begin to wonder who brought the food because it wasn’t my day but we got my favorite. I decide to voice my ponderings.

“Um… hey guys … whose day was it to make dinner?” Tony looks at me and gives me a sheepish look. Now I know something is up.

“What do you want Tony? And don’t you dare lie to me or you will have ice down your pants in the morning.” The guys (excluding Tony who visibly pales) chuckle at my retarded threat although they know I’m being dead serious.

“Well, see what had happen was … “he pauses taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. “Tony just spit it out already! I won’t hurt you I swear!”

He sighs with his eyes still closed then says “Canyouliftthebandondatingnewbies? Don’t hurt me please and remember you swore!”

I blink a few times trying to understand what he said. I guess it was bad because the guys began to choke on their ice they had been chewing quietly.

Once they calmed down I said “Come again?”

He opened his eyes slightly peeking at me through his eyelashes and said “Can you lift the rule on dating newbies?”

I swallowed my spit thought through his request and finally spoke “Which one?”

“Which one what?” he asked knowing darn well what I was talking about.

“Which newbie are you fancying? I mean they are all cool but I just want to know now out of curiosity.”

He nods then mumbles “Nierra.” I smile slightly proving my earlier observations correct.

“Yeah the band is lifted I saw you eyeing her earlier. It’s all good foolie but if this gets serious you have to tell her that work comes first k?” His eyes lit up and he rushed to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. In the process he clumsily knocked down his chair and tripped slightly.

I then looked at the guys and said “Who else?” I was surprised when they answered me straight away.

Jace said “You.”

Alphy said “Lia.”

Tony said “Nierra.”

Jay said “Tierra.”

Midget said “Kierra.”

I was shocked I mean everyone had an answer. The guys don’t go for girls that easily and when they do they fall hard. WOW! I can’t say I’m upset though because I want them to be happy. I’ll have a talk with the girls tomorrow. 

“Hey babe?” I look up at Jace and his eyes are glistening with mischief.

“Y-yy-yeah” I stutter out nerviously.

“Let’s go to the tree house now.” What’s he up to?

“But it’s late we can’t wait until tomorrow when it isn’t cold out?” I question hoping he changes his mind.

“Nope,” he says popping the ‘p.’

“Okay let me go get a sweatshirt.” Alphy then strips off his green sweatshirt and tosses it to me. I stick my tongue out at him and he flips me off. The guy’s chuckle knowing I’m trying to avoid leaving. It’s not that I don’t feel safe but what if he breaks up with me. I mean he kind of did it out of a jealous impulse so …. Ugh I’m so confused. I put the sweatshirt on and begin walking toward the back door.

“BYE HATER!!” The guys scream at me. I turn around confused as hell. What are they talking about? “HI HATER!!” they say then begin to laugh. Okay I’m officially confused. “Babe look at your shirt.” I look and sure enough the front says “Hi hater” in all caps giving whoever reads it the bird whist the back does the same thing buts says “Bye hater.” I chuckle at their silliness and continue walking.  Jace follows silently behind me.

We reach the rose garden and he stops me there. I shrug and sit on the bench by the fountain. It has a statue of Papoley, my grandfather who died last year. Jace picked a rose and handed it to me. I smiled and inhaled its beautiful aroma.  “Did you know dolphins sleep with one eye open!?“ “Did you know in Utah, birds have the right of way on any public highway?” I smile knowing where this is going. It’s a game of random facts we know to break the silence and whoever laughs first loses.   “In Memphis, Tennessee, a woman is not to drive a car unless a man warns approaching motorists or pedestrians by walking in front of the car that is being driven.”  “The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each other's shoulders!” “The names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye!” “There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo!” Jace laughs first which means … I WON!! FINALLY!  Jace or the guys always win but not today! YAY!!! *haha happy dance*

He tackles me mid half step and starts to tickle me. I laugh until I have to pee. “You surrender?” he ask still tickling my sides. “NEVER!!”  I shout. “NEVER SHOUT NEVER!!!” He stops tickling me and stares into my eyes. I stare back until I realize he is still on top of me. He notices too and glances down at my lips. I learn forward closing the space and kiss him. He responds by pushing  me on my back with him hovering over me. His hand slip under my sweatshirt and rest on my lower back. I tug on his shirt and begin to massage his muscles. He moans in my mouth which causes me to smile breaking the kiss. He continues to plant small kisses on my neck until I moan softly. I feel something poke my leg and I instantly know what it is. I flip him over now with me straddling his business. He groans as I move lower. I get lower and he grips my thighs for the second time today signaling for me to stop. I snigger a little and he has me on my back in less than five seconds flat. “My pleasurable discomfort isn’t funny.” “I find it hilarious babe.” “I bet you do since you caused this little issue you tease.” “I resent that.” “So…” “So…” I mock him. “Isa I want to be your boyfriend but…” OMG He’s going to break up with me! I knew it! “But what?” I manage to sputter out tears threatening to pour over any moment. He sighs then looks me in the eye then sighs again. “Isabella I’m not breaking up with you. I plan on actually marrying you so yeah any who I don’t want to be just your boyfriend I want to be your best friend still too. You know like it is everyday any how just I actually have you and it’s no longer a dream.” He plans to marry me? WOW! “Oh. Okay. I get it so it’s like any other day but we aren’t sheltered by pride that we like each other?” He nods the smiles a small smile. “I’m glad you understand because when I told the guys they said it sounded like I wanted to be friends with benefits until I explained what I meant fully.” “I got it babe. We should go back inside it’s getting late.” “Yeah let’s go plus we haven’t had our cupcakes today.” I smile at our daily routine of buying a snack and eating it whenever. We should all be obese how much junk food we eat but nope we are healthy as penguins. We reached the house and found the guys sprawled out on the couches and floor. I smile at the scene before me. My boys. I went and got some blankets and pillows for them so they wouldn’t wake up with body cramps. Once I had all of them covered and propped up comfortably, I changed into my PJs, ate my cupcake, and passed out on my bed. The last thing I remember is Jace whispering “I Love You Isabella Hope Theresa Ann Andria Santo Mortaccio. Wholly moly that’s a mouthful anyway Ti amo bambina per l'eternità. I love you forever and ever babe." 

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