♤Not When I'll Dissapoint You♤

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"Glad you picked up.How are you?"asked Doyoung.
"Well, I'm fine."
"Did she have an okay reaction?You need a friend?Do you still have a house?"
"Yeah.She was shocked at first but then accepted it."
"Oh, I'm glad."
"Talk to you later."

Jungwoo hung up first.He sighed and finally acknowledged all of the notifications he got.They were mostly Haechan and Doyoung having an argument in the groupchat.

But he also had a message.

Okay, listen
I need time
I can't accept the fact that my son is gay yet
I had an inappropriate reaction and I will regret that my whole life
But I still can't accept the fact that you're gay
I hate it
This was a really bad timing that will make you think badly of me but
My boss called
He said I'll go on a bussiness trip for 2 weeks
I'm coming back to pack my bags and get my passport

oh okay
have fun

Jungwoo was glad she calmed down a bit.He still knows she's dissapointed, which kills him inside.

He heard the front door open but he wasn't sure if he should come out or not.He decided to not.

He heard a knock on the door.He told his mom to come in and she did.However, she doesn't come any closer than the doorstep.She looks at her son as if she's judging him and disgusted by him but doesn't say anything about that.They exchanged awkward goodbye's and she left.

Jungwoo finally calmed down from the whple thing.He realised it'll be fine.Well, he's trying to believe that.Really hard.

He tried to go back to his normal routine by chatting with his friends until he gets tired and goes to sleep, just like he usually would.However, when he finally got tired, he couldn't go to sleep. He's moving in all possible directions but he just can't fall asleep.

He was finally getting sleepy and his eyes were slowly closing but then his phone vibrates.

He groans and in the end still checks it.

why did the chicken cross the road
pls read it with a scottish accent


still scottish accent
to get to the other side

lucas, it's 3 am
go to sleep

sleep is for the weak

i see

wanna be myyyy ladyyyyy

omg yes

marry me jUsEyO

yEs oPpAr

no homo tho

kim_jungwoo sent a picture:

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