Start from the beginning

Everyone is at their business and 2 hours from now everything is over for today. I wonder what she's doing. Yuki is keeping her company though since Mom and hyung went to Mokpo. Mokpo. I miss home. Me and Zelle are planning to spend New Year's Eve there next year. I want to introduce her my hometown.

I went to where Teukkie and Siwon was.

Teukkie: Did you talk to her?
Donghae:Yup. I'm picking her up after this. Siwon hyung, are you sure your not coming?
Siwon: I'd love to but I have another appointment. Mian.
Donghae: Kechanna. There's still next time.

Then Heechul and Eunhyuk joined in.

Heechul:Ya,tomorrow is your 4th anniversary right? Any plans?
Donghae:Already made. Thanks by the way Teukkie hyung.
Heechul: Ya ya ya. Why did you seek for Teukkie's help not mine?
Heechul:Fine!Dinner is on you tonight.
Leeteuk:Aigoo~ya,dinner is on me and Heechul.
Heechul:Ya,Park Jungsoo.
Leeteuk:Aigoo~Zelle is coming.Don't be that harsh.
Heechul: Aish~arrasso. Only if it wasn't for Zelle. But Donghae, tell me, what did you prepare for her?
Donghae:(*smirks) Its a secret.
Heechul:Aish~ this punk.

Siwon's P.O.V.

Heechul hyung won't stop pestering Donghae about his plans for their monthsary tomorrow.To be honest, I can't still stand hearing about them,it still pains me despite that I've promised her. I stood up and left them and went out to the balcony. I sat there and stared out of nowhere while taking a few sips of my coffee, then Zhou Mi came.

Zhou Mi: You seemed to be bothered. Might wanna tell me?
Siwon:Its nothing hyung.
Zhou Mi:Your looks doesn't seem to be it.

I just looked at him, I can see in his eyes his sincerity. I sighed and breathed in. He's my hyung, he deserves to know.

Siwon: Promise me you won't tell anyone?
Zhou Mi: I promise..Is this about a girl?
Zhou Mi:Do I know her?
Siwon:Y-ye(*answers in a low tone)
Zhou Mi:Correct me if I'm wrong, is it Zelle?

I looked at him with surprise.How did he know? I never told anyone about this. Not even Manager hyung.

Siwon: Hyung.
Zhou Mi:Your wondering how I knew.
Zhou Mi: Your eyes are telling me.
Siwon:Ne~its Zelle.
Zhou Mi: Does she know?
Zhou Mi:Onje?
Siwon:The same night Donghae hyung asked her.
Zhou Mi:Omo~this is hard.
Siwon: Kechanna hyung, I'm happy for both of them. I just need time to move on and everything.
Zhou Mi:I'm proud of you for being a man.
Siwon:Its just so weird, its like I've seen her before.
Zhou Mi: We did..At the airport when we came back from Japan.
Siwon:Ani, like before that. Everytime when she's around a familiar feeling lingers,as if we've known each other for too long. We're comfortable.
Zhou Mi:(*thinks deeply,then snaps his fingers)Oh! Majjayo! I felt that when we had dinner at our dorm too. Could we have met her before?
Siwon:I'm not sure hyung. Maybe we did. We just can't remember. From all the new faces we see and meet each day. Sometimes its messed up in here you know.(*points the head)
Zhou Mi:Yeah, they do. Well, if you want someone to talk to, you know I'm always here. You did the right choice, she will eventually come.(*pats his shoulder and stands up)
Siwon:Ye~gomawo hyung. (*smiles at Zhou Mi and looks down as soon as he was gone)

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