Ch 1 A strange behavior

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   I did it! I saved the universe again! I watched happily as the ship with Spinel and the diamonds rose from the ground, and within seconds, it disappeared. Everyone was glad all our problems were over! But everyone's joy didn't last very long. After a while, the gems started acting weird. They ignored me, and they treated me badly. 

   It was morning, I got up early because I had to get to Little Homeworld. I did my morning routine, then I made breakfast, but I couldn't find the milk, and Pearl was just passing by, I went to her and asked her.

   "Hey, Pearl, do you know where the milk is, I can't find it. " I said.

   But instead of answering me, she looked at me, cold, like she didn't have a soul. Then she walked past me, saying nothing. She walked out, slamming the door behind her.

   I stood by looking at the door, confused. Pearl has never treated me like that. Why is she doing it now? I tried not to think too much about it, and I went to Little Homeworld.

   Everything was perfect, I held my lesson. All the gems present were attentive to my indications. And after the lesson was over, I was going to go home, but I accidentally ran into Amethyst.

   "Hey Amethyst, what's up?" but she didn't say anything, and she was acting as weird as Pearl. Then Garnet came. Just like Amethyst, no sound, just stood in front of me and stared, without saying anything. Until they ran in the speed of the temple, I couldn't keep up with them, but when I got to the house, the door to Garnet's room was open.

   I looked inside, there was no one. I was going to go in, but something was telling me not to. It was too suspicious, Garnet never left her door open. I walked away, but I was very curious to see what was inside.

   Steven's POV
Why is Garnet's door open? Something's wrong with that. First, Pearl behaves strangely, then Amethyst and Garnet act just as strange. Maybe the next time I see them, I'll take a closer look at them. Maybe there's something wrong with them.

   No one's POV
   That night I didn't want to sleep at home, so I headed to my father's car wash. Along the way, I'd get all kinds of thoughts about what's going on with the gems. Could they have cracked gems? Or maybe they're acting like this because they want to surprise me. I
It's July 10th after all, and my birthday is coming up. Maybe... that's why they are acting like this... right?

   No one's POV

I was so deep in my own thoughts, I didn't notice I was here. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. The van was close and I thought dad might be there. And I was right.The van door was open, and my father was asleep. I woke him up and asked him to talk for a minute.

   "Sure we can talk, son, but did something happen?" he said a little worried.

   "Yes, dad, something happened, actually, I'm not sure what either. But the gems are very strange. They've been ignoring me all day."

   "All day? "said very surprised.


   "I'm surprised, you usually can't get rid of them."

   "Father.... I came to you because I don't want to sleep at home tonight.. Can I sleep in the van? "

   "Is that a question? Of course you can sleep in the van. I'm going to go get a blanket, okay? "

   "Thank you Dad..!"

   "Anytime son" after he said that, he went into the laundry room to get a blanket for me.

   I was looking at the sky. Thousands of stars were twinkling. At that moment, I wondered, what are the diamonds doing, and Spinel? Do they fight it like they did with my mother?

   My thoughts overwhelmed me. I don't know why I kept thinking about them. yes, they're my family. But.. They tried to kill me several times. But.. They didn't know that Pink is my mother.

   "I found it! "

I flinched. I forgot I'm with dad. Without saying a word, I took the blanket and put myself in the back seat of the van. I lay face up, and Closed my eyes, hoping that tomorrow would be better than today.

   The next morning, the first thing I did was thank Dad for taking me in the van, and then, I went straight home. When I came in, there was no one, so I went upstairs, where I had a communicator. I got it, but who should I call, White, Yellow or Blue?

   I spent a little time thinking about it, and I decided to call White. I twisted the communicator, it took a white color, it rose in the arena, then White's face appeared on the screen.

   "Steven, what are you doing?" she said with a smile on her face.

   "Hello White! I called because......" then, I stopped, letting my eyes down, not knowing what to say.

   "Steven, is something wrong?" she said very worriedly.

   "No. Yes..... I don't know! Gems are very strange to me, don't mind me, and they do strange things." I looked up from the ground, and noticed that white seemed extremely worried. Then a little pink silhouette appeared on her shoulder. It was Spinel.

   "STEVEN!!!! she shouted as loud as she could.

   "Spinel dear, it's not the right time now, wouldn't you like to go with Blue, and you're going to talk to Steven some other time? She said, taking Spinel in her hand and giving her to Blue.

  " Fine... " Her voice was heard from afar.

  Then she turned to me, and she said in a worried but also scared voice at the same time.

   "Steven, have you noticed anything strange about their gems?"

   "No, I mean, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention to that." I said scared.

   "When you see them, try to pay attention to their gems, if you notice anything, the slightest thing wrong, please call me" she said even more worried than she was before.

   "Okay White, I'll do as you say, thank you!" I said, smiled at me, then hung up.

   I went down the stairs, went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

   "STEVEN!" there was a loud voice behind me, which scared me, and I dropped the glass on the floor, leaving pieces of glass and water on the floor.

   I turned around, and Pearl was standing in the middle of the house, looking furiously at me.

   "Steven! Where have you been?! And look what a mess you've made here!! " she looked very, very angry at me.

   I couldn't say anything, I was shocked. She never yelled so bad at me. So I couldn't answer her, I was too shocked and scared. He came to me, and he started screaming at me. About everything that happened yesterday, and how it's my fault. I was sitting upside down, trying not to make eye contact with her, but I remembered what White said. So I looked up at her gem, and I was shocked.


   Her gem was black.



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