Part 3 falling out of trees is normal?

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After I saw my mother, I freaked. I started yanking and pulling against the person trying to put me in the same room as the horrible person known as my mother. I hated her! I know this is pretty sad for me to say that about the person that gave me life, but she took away my human life too.

I was pushed by three very big, and very strong men into the room and they locked the door. Once I heard the locks click, my mother spoke.

"Oh hello darling. How have you been?", she said smiling evilly.

"Not bad mother after I got away from you", I spat back.

"Now is that any way to talk to your dear mother?", she said.

"Yes. Actually for a mother like you, it is!", I hissed.

She just went back into her dark corner. I sat back in the opposite corner, and felt my eyes open and close until they finally got to heavy and just closed.

When I opened them back, not willingly course, warm breath was on my neck. It made up neck hairs stand up at full attention, and a low growl came out of my mouth. I jumped up and punched whatever it was. My fist collided with a thing, but it wasn't my mother I punched. I cried out because whatever I hit hurt my hand like I struck metal. But when I jumped back, I landed on my mother when I jumped back.

"Ouch! Get off me!", she screamed.

"Mum. Something is here with us. Another werewolf probably", I stated trying to look around but it happened to be pitch black. I was in full attack mode now.

"Oh. That's just Charlie. Another werewolf indeed, but he is harmless. You fell asleep in his corner, and when he came back he fell asleep next to you.", she stated like it was an everyday occurrence. Yeah, a everyday occurrence that scared the living crap out of me.

"Came back from where?", I asked.

"Oh every few days we get feed on some food that has a bunch of medicine in it to keep you calm, but it never works on werewolves, you usually come back pissed. But whatever, you better eat it thought because it could be months until you get to eat again", she rambled on until I heard something about broccoli and I blocked her out.

Hum! This might be my escape. I could eat the food, change into a werewolf, and leap out a window or something.

"You can't change into a werewolf after eating this stuff", a man with a deep voice said.

"How. How did you know I was thinking about that?", I asked kind of freaked out.

"I can read minds.", he stated. I waited for him to say something else, but nothing ever came.

So I won't eat and then jump out a window.

"It doesn't matter if you eat or not! They shot you will meds before you go anywhere and you can't change! Do you understand now?", he said sounding annoyed.

"Stay out of my head! And I do understand, but that won't stop me from trying. I will try.", I said, matter-of-fact-ly.

"Ohkay but it won't work", he said. I could hear some accent that I could place.

I heard him whisper," Irish", and he slowly fell asleep.

After a few hours, the door swung open and a man entered saying Jennifer. I stood up until in was face to face with this man. He jumped back, not expecting me to come behind him. I grabbed my arm, and leveled a needle. That gave me a chance.

I jerked my arm back, and sent him flying into the wall, knocking him out. I ran and ran until I could no more. I reached a dead end, and I could hear shouts behind me. I changed into my wolf. She is pure black, with white paws. I licked the last tingle I had out of my paws and turn to face my opponents.

I bared my teeth, showing how sharp they were. They all backed up, and stood there waiting for me to make the first move. I looked in both directions until my gaze found a window without any bars behind a scrawny looking teenager. I leaped toward him and he ducked. Good boy. I threw my shoulder into the window, and I felt like I was flying. I hit the ground on all fours with a thud. Luckily my angle and force that I hit the window with had not cut me. I came up unscratched!

And then I ran. I ran until I had probably reached the other in of England. I climbed into a tree, and looked up. It was a full moon. I could not describe the fierceness in the moon as is shone like the eyes of a cat hungry for revenge; and the stars were the making of the body as if curving in and out to look like it was actually moving; and the wind whistling like the old man that use to walk the streets on my younger, human years; and the only thing messing with those wonderful picture was the modern materials, airplanes.

There is no point in them! Why can't you just be with your family, and drive where you need to be. Now if you need to go over the pond, that is a different story. But if you can drive there, just drive. Spend some quality time together, because you never know when something horrible wrong it going to happen.

Such as my life.

I slowly climbed into a tree, not bothering to change from my wolf form, and stretched out on a tree limb. After a few minutes, I got comfy enough to watch. I laid my white-covered paws in a cris-cross formation and wrapped my midnight black tail around myself. I looked at my surroundings, only then could I get comfortable. But that only comes once in a life time. This was not the time.

I had just laid my head down, and as I was blinking slower and slower, a crack echoed off a near bush that sent my bright blue eyes wide open. I jumped up, and because of my clumsy self, fell off the slender tree branch and landed on my side with a thud. I laid there for a few minutes soaking in the pain, until I heard the same crack. I jumped up on all fours, no matter how much pain I was in, and looked around once more. I heard the same crack for the third tie, but it was above me.

I looked up with much anticipation to see a snarling, blood-thirsting creature, but instead found my self getting hit over the head with a tree branch. The cracking was indeed the sound of it breaking, and in fact was not the sound of another wolf. I didn't know to feel relieved or just plain stupid.

I had been so frighten to hear that crack which could have been a wolf trying to kill me since I don't know who's territory I am in, but also I feel extremely relived it wasn't. And on a side note, I am extremely glad that I didn't have anybody watching me, because I wouldn't never live that down. Not only would it be embarrassing, due to my long life, I would be mocked.

Man, does anybody see that my life sucked, but that is in the past.

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