No age limit on love

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Barry POV:

It was joe's and Cecile's rehearsal dinner day. I walked into the room.


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"Nora... did you eat my powdered donuts?" I asked as he had white powder on her face.
"No." She said
"What's that white powder all over your face?"  I asked
"That's cocaine." She said and I just stood there  and Cisco looked at her.

"What?" She asked

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"What?" She asked. Mia was doing something.
"You were always weird." She said
"Hey." I said and she looked at me "be nice."
"Uncle Barry she just said she did cocaine to her father." Mia said
"Yeah I know." I said and walked out of the room. I found killer frost sitting in the other room by herself. Cait has been avoiding me since the whole announcement. I knocked as I walked in.
"Hey." I said
"Hi." Frost said
"Where's Cait?"
"She needs time." She said
"I've given her time. What's going on?" I asked and frost started to pace the room.

"Why don't you just admit the truth about what is hurting you?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me

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"Why don't you just admit the truth about what is hurting you?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me

"Why don't you just admit the truth about what is hurting you?" I asked and she stopped and looked at me

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