Fair Warning

417 14 3

>> Jay's P.O.V << 

So we are at my house with Roc , Ray , and Nia . I had to try and hide my face from Ray & Roc to not let them worry because I could tell Roc was the "Prtective" type . So when we got in the house , I ran so fast up the stairs to my room in shame ...


 **{ Knock Knock Knock Knock }** 

Jay : Who is it  ?

Nia : Nia Girll . You straight ? *Walks through the door *

Jay : No .... My face freaking hurts .... I don't know what to do about Meetry .. 

Nia : You need to let him know what's up ! If he puts his hands on you one more time , I'm going to give him a big ass can of whooop ass ! Off rip .. Jay you know I fights niggas..

Jay : I know but you can't fight him , he is to strong and has no mercy kiddo ..

Nia : Fuuuuuck HIM ! I want him to put his hands on me .. The day he does is gone be consquences & Reprecaution  . !

Jay : *Starts smiling * Girl Yo ass is a trip !

Nia : You Know thiss Brooo ! 

**{Knocks Knocks }** 

Nia : Whooo iss ittt ?!!?

Ray : Rayyy Raaaayyy

Nia: Oh Shit. ! Come Innnnnn =)

Ray : Hey yall .. what yaalll dooooing ?

Nia : Just girl stuff talking and what not . Why whats up ?

Ray : Nothing , but Nia I wanted to talk to you ........ in.. private if its all cool with yo girl ..

Jay  : Oooh Go right ahead don't let me intrude ... be safe .. holla if you need mehhh !

Ray : Wait , Jay 

Jay: whats Up ..  

Ray : Um , whats up with your face ....... O.o 

Jay  : Oh Shit .... Um ...... I Fell .... Yeah I fell .....

Ray . With a hand print on the side of your face though...... 

Jay : Um..... Yeah BYE NOW ! 

**{Slams DOOR}**

Omg ..... Ray saw my face and noticed that shit to.... time for some more make up even though that shit my sting ....


>> Roc's P.O.V <<

So I'm watching T.v downstairs wondering what the fuck Ray was doing ... then about 5 minutes later Jay came down stairs ...

Jay : Whaaaaaaaaats Up Cuzzoo ~

Roc : What's uppp Cuuh 

Jay : Shiiiiiiiit Chilling Like A Villian After Killing , What You Watching 

Roc : Love & Basketball 

Jay : Oh Snap ! I love this movie ! 

Roc : Oh Word ??! ME TOO !!! 

Jay : Something we have in common huh ? 

Roc : Yeah I guess soo { turns and looks her in her eyes and just smiles with that million dollor smile } You have really pretty eyes , you know that ...

Jay : { blushes } Thanks ... 

 He is so sweet and charming , self control jayda , self Control ...

What Kind Of Love Is This  ?( A  Roc Royal Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now