Mon Ange

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Today was marials and Timmys first date she was so excited and happy after the party they couldn't stop texting ,they were inseparable kaia was with marial helping with her outfit and hair until a ding at the door sounded she approached and saw a delivery man "are you miss berileu ?"he asked "yes I am "she said "sign please "as he peaked up a box of Venus fleur 50 roses she loved those details,she said "thank you "to the delivery man and closed the door and her phone started ringing it was Timmy she slides to answer and said "Timmy you made me the happiest thank you for the roses they are beautiful"," not as beautiful as you are "said timmy "aww timmy,","ready for tonight "he said "yes I can't wait ","I'll pick you up at 8 ?"he asked "sounds perfect for me "she said" I can't wait to see you "he said he can't wait to see her ,"me too and Timmy ","yes" he said "really you make me the happiest Timmy ",loved the way she said timmy and he was so glad she loved the roses,"as you make me,","I'll get any cheesier but I gotta make my hair bye Timmy I'll see you tonight "and hunged up.
Ahhhh marial started shouting and so kaia "omg girl you are going to yours oficial date you have to tell me everything and let's pick your outfit these is perfect "said kaia It was 7:50 pm marial was ready and so as Timmy,Timmy wanted to look like a prince for her she was his princess,so he'll  be wearing a black embroidered white flowerblazer a black shirt and matching skinny pants with black boots,hair not messy but gelish to the back and his perfect jawline was on point he grabbed his phone and made his way to marials apparment
"Call me if you need anything no drugs no sex nothing ","kaia said I'll be fine ","wow you look like a real doll and princess he's so lucky to have you omg "kaia said marial said "awwI love you "they both hugged "if he doesn't sing a whole new world from the begging he's not the one then" marial laughed "good luck on your first real date" and she leaved this was marials first real date with a guy,she checked herself one last time she hoped timmy would like her the door interrupted her thoughts it was him she approached grabbed her clutch and opened timmy was going to say hi but his breath was stolen this time more than usual an angel was standing in front of him a princess marial was wearing a white dress with short sleeves tight from up and loose down,with embroidered flowers on the bottom all white silver heels and a diamond collar,her hair was in curls but on a side ponytail and her big honey eyes sparked more than anything" wow tres belle"  he said breathlessly "merci "she blushed smiling and he grabbed her hand and interlocking his fingers with hers they leaved.
"Where are you taking me ?"she asked ansiouslu "you'll see "they'll walking tonight as the restaurant was close to marials apparment they arrived to the place it was catch a fancy restaurant located in soho,they entered to the restaurant and the receptionist said" are you mr chalamet ?""yes "he said "okay your reservation is near this way ",marial said "this is so pretty timmy" it was beautiful it has fountains the light were low and romantic the table was on rooftop it was even prettier the view to the whole city lightened up,the fountain with roses and and the focus chains they seated he pulled the chair for her as a gentleman and then he seated "I know i told you this but you look so stunning ",marial blushed and said "thank you timmy you look so handsome "he smiled,"omg this is italian "she said excited "yes I wanted to be special "he said she said "it is,"the waitress came and said "hi would you like anything to drink ? "Marial said the "berries gin tonic please,"for you mr ?"timmy said "white wine "he wanted to look fancy for her "and can you get us the capresse salad please ","of course "and she left,"so the oscars are coming "timmy said "yes I know "she said Excited marial was nominated for best supporting actress as grace it was her second nomination ,Timmy would be presenting "you'll win "he said "of course not I'm so young and I appreciate that they had nominated me but I'm far of getting one "she was so humble and Timmy couldn't get more in love,"don't said that you're so talented and amazing even as a such young age I'm proud of you and don't worries I'll by your side "and grabbed her hand "thank you timmy "she said the drinks arrived,Timmy took a sip of his wine ,"oscars speaking he said I have to ask you something "yes sure timmy "she said "woud you make me the honor of being my date ?"he asked shyli "awww timmy I'll be my pleasure how can I say no to you ",the waitress said "so what would it be your order ?"timmy ordered as a gentleman "it'll be the margarita pizza and the tomato basil pasta" ,"I love pasta that's the way you win my heart" she giggled ,"I'm glad I get to know to win your heart often,"marial blushed,"I honestly can't wait for the oscars I'll be presenting best supporting actor is such and honor he said,","you'll do it great she said" ,"you know the moonlight makes you look beautiful" "aw timmy what did I did to deserve you?",the food arrived it looked so good "this looks so good "said marial "definetly italian will always be my favorite "said timmy,"cheers "he said "for more many dates "they clicked the glasses,"Tell me more about you timmy do you like museums?"asked marial couriously "yes "said timmy "my favorite one are Rodin,moma and the orsay I like art "he said,"oh my god I love art too mines are les invalides in paris the orsay and the met and the louvre I love history if I weren't an actress I would be some art and history major "she said proudly,Timmy was amazed by her he discovered new things of her everyday "if weren't an actor I would have studied anthropology and would get a degree on social studies "he said "I love the humanities area actually I was in Columbia before but I left since I got the acting offering he said" ,"I did acting as a child very young but I also was interested on paint and ballet ,they are my hobbies I love to paint whenever I go to Paris I like to sit a the sena pont,admire the view and paint ","you could teach me to paint "timmy said "I'll love to,","are you always that deep ?"he asked "what do you mean ?"she said blushing "yeah you are so pure,deep,and your feelings are so poetic I really like that "he said ,"thank you timmy "she said as she turned to see the restaurant "I feel like I'm in Rome "she said timmy loved how she can relate her memories to the present "Rome is one the most romantic and eternal cities ","oh michelangelo they tell you "she said laughing timmy laughed too "do you want dessert ?"he said "there's this chocolate volcano so good "he said "I'm kinda full but there's always space for dessert "she said laughing timmy ordered the dessert,"if you could do anything in the world for the rest of your life not acting what would it be "he asked "easy traveling I love to travel it makes me full the fact of get to know the world I live you?"she asked "me too he said I also love traveling I couldn't picture myself without traveling ,"he loved that she and him had a lot of things in common she was perfect the dessert came it looked really good,"should I grab first or you "marial said "you first "said timmy she grabbed a bite it was delicious she moaned and Timmy laughed "what is so good try it timmy ",tried and also moaned,it was really that good ,time after time started to sound marials face changed to staring  to the view" would you dance with me said timmy?"sure he stood up and grabbed her hand he lead her to the part of the fountain in front of the view they started to dance slowly her hands around his neck his on her waist,Timmy smile at her with awe,"I love that song and I love this "she said smiling "I like to dance with you and I'm not the dancing type ,","what would elio say ?"said Marial timmy laughed and spun her she looked like an angel as she got back to him ,they kept dancing slowly "can i call you mon ange ?"he asked "am I really that to you ?"she said in awe "that and more mon ange "she putted her head on his chest as the song said Time after time,"look let's go to see the view she said she took his hand,"the whole city was lighten up,the wind gave her chills timmy noticed that and took his blazer off and putted to her "thank you "she said from her lashes,he looked beautiful and he was such a gentleman timmy wanted to kiss her so bad,so he leaned closer and marial knew what  was happening,he'll kiss her in the mooonkight,he cupped her jaw and putted his lips on hers the kiss was slow romantic and passionate,he backed out and smiled to her" wow "she said breathlessly,she was going to say something else when his lips paused her he pulled her closer and she putted her hands around his neck and he on her waist,Timmy loved the way her lips and his interlocking for marial this was the best feeling ever her first kiss with someone who she truly liked and loved,it couldn't be perfect as the kiss finished she stared at him in the eye and said "that was magical thank you for being the one timmy "she said as she hugged him with his blazer,they both now turning to see the view and he said,"no thank you mon ange for letting me the one "as he kissed her forehead and they kept staring to the beautiful city.

That and more.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon