Holy Crap that's a Lot of Testosterone

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"Charlotte!"My mother yelled

"Coming."I yelled back.

Being one of 12 children is absolutely ridiculous, Being the only Girl is like being in a living hell. Your probably thinking 12 kids they must live on a farm in the midwest. Nope welcome to Connecticut. Oh and we aren't poor my parents are old money. Like really old money.Plus my grandfather is also a millionaire from his own company. so try like Billionaire. Plus My parents still work mom works from home and my father runs his fathers business. So we aren't poor,my parents just wanted a huge family.

I walked downstairs into the huge kitchen.

"Are you ready for school?"My mom asked

"yeah."I said looking at my uniform.

Than I heard Screams

"CHARLIE!"My twin brother yelled we ran up the stairs and found him covered in pink paint

"Danny Take a shower and get ready."my mom said walking back downstairs

"Pay Back is a bitch."I said skipping off right into Joey

"Hi lil sis."Joey said "Ready for school?"

"Uh Huh."I said

We headed to School. Joey Drove me and Danny in his Mercedes.

we walked in. I love this school we start super late,and are basically like college oh the perks of being rich. (Im not a snob,I went to public school last year.)

"Charlie!"Joey demanded

"you have no clue where you are going." Danny said "Come on."

We walked in. headed to the office got my schedule and than Danny and I headed to homeroom.

got assigned seats and than watched the announcements. than Danny lead me to the next class. I have 2 classes with him oh and lunch.

Than he left me and I stood in the hallway than these bitchy girls walked over

"Stay away from Danny he is mine!"This tall blonde girl yelled as I walked away straight into Joey. who hugged me

"Joey!"A girl screamed "what are you doing!"

"huh?"Joey said

"im your Girlfriend."The girl yelled

"Joseph Nicholas Roseheart!" Danny yelled "What the Fuck are you doing!" (He sounded like my mother. "hugging other girls in front of your Girlfriend you should be ashamed."

I was laughing Joey wasn't.

"Danny babe why do you have pink paint in you hair?"the Tall blonde asked as Joey let me go. Than this really muscular guy walked over

"Hey I'm Steve I haven't seen you around before."

"Charlie."I said

"Charlie do you want to go out sometime?"He asked as Danny and Joey's heads perked up

"No She doesn't!"Danny yelled

"Sorry dude but let the lady speak for herself." "I really don't care if you saw her first you have Hannely."Steve said slipping his arm around me

"Get your Fucking hands off my Sister!"Joey Yelled "I mean it."

"Sister?"steve said "The Roseheart boys have a sister?"

Than I saw him. Andy. my Andy. I moved out of Macho Steve's arm and stood there.

I had met Andy at the high parties and we had been dating. I knew he went here but I didn't think I would actually see him.

Holy Crap that's a Lot of TestosteroneWhere stories live. Discover now