Just Keep Running!

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()= A/N                *Warnings will be given if needed!*   

Read the description of the story if you want to found out the backstory!

"Seriously Toga?!" Deku practically screamed while running beside Toga and Dabi, while being chased by 3 pro heros, All Might, Eraserhead, and Midnight. The villains swiftly jumped on top of a building without falling down, unlike when they practiced.

"I'm sorry Izu~kun!" pouted Toga, making her canine's more visible. "I can't stand to see my baby getting laughed at!" "BRUH!" Dabi screamed, frustratedly, "It was literally FAKE. HAIR." "Fake hair or not, it was still Izuku!" Toga said, getting more upset at herself as they kept talking. "STOP VILLIANS!" The All Might himself screamed, Deku couldn't hold a smile, does that hero seriously think that they would stop just because he said too? Pfft, no. Izuku turned around to face All Might still running, but backwards. "Stop screaming bitchmight!" Deku said, taunting him, "your hurting our feelings!~" Deku turned back around to see that he was almost going to fall off the edge of the roof, to which the villain jumped down the roof and into an alleyway. Trusting the green-heads judgement, the other two jumped down with him. When they ran down the dark, ominous alleyway, they all saw a dead end. "Crap Izu~kun!" Toga said panicking, "There's a dead end!" "I know.. I'm trying to think of a way out-" they both suddenly saw Dabi fall to the ground asleep with red blow-darts poking out of his back. "Wh- What the fuck?!" Deku said outloud, confused. "Why the actual fuck are they using blowdarts?! They are literally heros!" "I don't know Izu~ku-" They both felt a sudden pain in their backs, then realized they had blow-darts on them too, "Izu~kun..-" Toga tried to say but suddenly dropped the ground, defeated.

 He turned around to face All Might and the others behind them about 3 feet away, 'Jesus Christ, they suck so bad at their job they had to go to blowdarts!' Deku thought, "Stay back! I won't let you hurt them!" Deku managed to get out of exhaustion from the blow darts. He then felt a scarf wrap around him, Deku, being the number one villain as he is, struggled to get out. He wasn't prepared to fight today. "STOP IT!" Deku screamed, when he saw All Might pick up Toga and Dabi. That's when he really started to panic, those two were like family to him, the family that didn't abandon him when he needed them the most.

 He saw black spots in his vision but he wouldn't allow himself to fall asleep, no matter how tired he would get, he wouldn't let go. Not for him, but for them. He kept struggling against Eraser's scarf until Midnight ripped the cloth on her outfit, the purple gas sending him to an uncomfortable sleep. As Eraserhead looked down at the sleeping green bean in his arms, he thought about one thing, "These villains are just children that have been broke too many times."

(This story is trash so far) (Editing in progress: agreed) (if only you knew past me me)

Toga suddenly sprang up, but her feet and hands we strapped down to a chair, preventing her from doing as such. She looked around the weirdly normal room to see Izuku, and Dabi strapped down, like she was, "DABI! DEKU!" she whispered-shouted, trying to get the two boys attention.

Dabi looked up, he thought it was normal until he looked around, suddenly panicked by the sudden situation they were in. "Where are we?!" Dabi said, addressing the elephant in the room. "A room dumbass." Izuku said opening his eyes tiredly, "No shit Sherlock!" Dabi said sarcasticly, rolling his eyes. 

When they heard someone unlock the door they looked up in sync to see  Naomasa Tsukauchi, the police detective, in the doorway, as the noirette entered the room, he closed the door and sat across the table, facing the villains. "I'm going to tell you what we know about you so far." he said in an motone voice, "your job is to tell us what we need to know, is that clear?" He went on, not waiting for an obvious sarcastic response from them.

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