you have amnesia

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Jade woke up to the feeling of your hand slipping out of her own.

She lifted her head from your arm and blinked away the sleep in her eyes. You were sitting up in bed with your fingers running through your hair. Your eyebrows were knit together in a look of discomfort, which wasn't surprising to her considering the amount of damage you received from the accident you'd been in late last night.

You looked around until your eyes landed on Jade. "Hey. How are you feeling? Are you hurting or anything?" She asked and reached back out for your hand but you pulled away. She saw the look of confusion in your eyes, the look of... fear?

"What is it? What's wrong?"

You stayed silent until she tried to touch you again. "No, don't." You said, groaning from the pain in your stomach as you moved away from her.

Jade was so confused. But a sense of terror went through her when she heard the next words out of your mouth. "Who are you?"

"W-What are you talking about? Y/n, it's me!" She watched you jump when she raised her voice slightly. "I'm sorry. I just, I don't understand. What do you mean who am I? I'm your girlfriend."

You furrowed your eyebrows and Jade could tell by the look in your eyes that you weren't faking. She ran out of the room and grabbed your doctor who came rushing inside to you.

She stood back and nibbled on her nails as he checked you over.

When he came back over to her she could tell it wasn't good news. "I'm sorry, Jade, but your girlfriend is dealing with some amnesia from the accident." Jade's lips parted as her breath hitched in her throat.

"What?" She looked back at you, watching as you looked at all the teddy bears and flowers in the room that she and the girls had gotten for you.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor said and put his hand on her back. "Try to jog her memory by showing her things she's familiar with. Vacation photos, friends, family - just anything you know she loved. It might help bring her memory back."

Jade sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes. She watched him walk out the door. She wished someone would come in and say this was all one big joke. The life you've built together, the future you had planned, was all up in the air now.

But as she looked back over at you she could still only see the girl she's so in love with. She always promised you that no matter what, she'd never given up on you.

She was gonna help bring your memory back. She was willing to do whatever it took.

Jade Thirlwall Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now