↳Red Strings Of Fate↴

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Ability Name: Red strings of  fate

Ability: This user can control a persons mind, body, etc. 

↝ The user can summon a red string from their body, the string has to make contact with a person for their ability to work

↝ When the user attached the string to their ideal person, they can control anything about them

↝ Ability only works if they have some type of relationship to the person (Hate relationship, friendship, etc.)

↝ Can only keep a person under their ability for a certain time for how strong the relationship is

↝ User is always connected, can share emotions, memories, and so on with people/person they use their ability on

↝ User can break the string with ideal people/person whenever they want to

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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