Keep It The Fuck To Yourself

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My IPhone alarm clock woke me up early like every other morning, I set it an hour before I actually have to get up so that I can sit in bed working up the courage to not drop out of high school

Once the second alarm rung, I pulled the cozy covers off of me and slouched my way to the bathroom, shutting the door and turning on the shower. I undress, letting the hot water run down my body to wake me up before using my raspberry and cream scented body wash

I dressed in black ripped jeans, a vintage oversized Harley Davidson shirt that also happened to be black with my chunky heeled boots..that were black. I shoved books into my handbag, leaving my bedroom and saying bye to my parents before heading down the subway

The ride to school was quick, allowing me to arrive just in time for the bell to ring and for me to head to history. I walked confidently down the halls while minding my own business, aware that everyone around me had the personality of a rattle snake.

I got to my seat, leaning back in the chair with my legs crossed. A few moments later Riley Matthews and her boyfriend Farkle Minkus came storming into the classroom. She wore a small pink crop top, an embroidered butterfly in the centre. She had on blue jeans and black heeled boots similar to mine

"Farkle! You know I like to be on time! So when you come to my house 20 minutes late, it makes me not on time" she whined to him, sitting in the desk beside me as he sat in the one behind her "Then walk to school on your own" he defended, the same angry tone in his voice

"What! That is such a bad idea Farkle. Maya, tell Farkle that's a bad idea" Riley protested, dragging me into another one of their arguments "No Maya, tell Riley that she can walk to school on her own" he added to try and get me to side with him

"Sorry Minkus, but you gotta walk her to school otherwise she will probably fall into some rich 40 year old mans lap..and then she probably won't care and ask to go shopping" I reply, informing him of possible situations while Riley nods eagerly beside me

He sighed in defeat as Mr Matthews came into class, a wide smile on his face "I have exciting news class" he stated as he sat his briefcase on his desk "Let's face it Matthews, the civil war is not exciting" I sass earning a small glare from him

He brushed it off before continuing "we're going on a class trip! To the mount sun lodge about 2 hours away. We will be leaving here on Monday so you have the weekend to pack and prepare" he informed us, considering it's Friday I had other ways to spend my weekend in mind that are now out the window

"We will be there for two weeks, exploring and travelling around Philadelphia. Now because you are all seventeen - eighteen year olds, I expect you'll be able to behave yourselves appropriately" he added as he continued to explain the trip.

After another half hour of 'mount sun lodge this' and 'mount sun lodge that' the bell finally rung signifying next class "ready to go?" I asked Riley as I stood up from my desk. She pouted "I hate art! The paint gets all on my nice white nails" she cried, her eyes flickering down to her perfectly manicured hands

"You'll be fine! You're smiley Riley! now get up I don't wanna be late to the only reason I'm at this school" I sass, a chuckle coming from her. She followed me out the class and walked beside me down the halls

"Do you know what fashion is Hart? Or what colours are?" The schools bitch, Missy Bradford laughed from the side of her locker "I'm sorry, did we ask for your opinion? Because I didn't and Maya, did you?" Riley instantly defended

I furrowed my eyebrows " I don't think I did" I reply, a small smirk on my face "oh look neither of us did" Riley replied to me, acting surprised "so next time keep it the fuck to yourself" I whisper to missy before Riley and I continue our way to art class with a laugh

"Can you believe a whole two weeks with her on a school trip!" Riley sighed once we entered the classroom "I don't even want to think about it" I reply.

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