[nine] am i a chad?

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After a short car ride of Ted and Schlatt talking back and forth about YouTube, streaming, this weekend, and some inside jokes, then three made it to the Airbnb

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After a short car ride of Ted and Schlatt talking back and forth about YouTube, streaming, this weekend, and some inside jokes, then three made it to the Airbnb.

"We're staying here?" Schlatt asked Charlotte as they pulled into the driveway. "This place is huge!"

Charlotte laughed. "I only got the best for you boys." She got out of the car and the other boys followed and grabbed their bags from the trunk.

Just then, a black CRV pulled up, with the front windows rolled down and music blasting. Carson's grin shined from the driver's seat, and Noah hung out from the passenger's side, howling as the music blasted from the speakers. Charlotte walked around to the other side of the car with Ted and Schlatt.

Carson pulled up right next to them and gave them a dumb grin. "Howdy," he said as he put the car in park and shut the engine off.

"Hey Carson," Charlotte said with a laugh as he got out of the car and hugged her.

"You sure we're at the right place?" Noah asked Charlotte as he walked over and hugged her after greeting Ted.

"I'm pretty sure, Noah," Chuck replied with a laugh.

"Chuck!" Cooper exclaimed as he hopped out of the car and ran towards Charlotte. She squealed as they wrapped their arms around each other, and Cooper lifted Charlotte off the ground.

"Hey Cooper! Long time no see," she replied as he put her down.

"My turn!" Travis yelled as he walked over to Charlotte, giving her a big hug as well.

"Me too! Me too!" Charlie said, walking over to the group. Charlotte laughed as she hugged Charlie.

"Hey, Chuck," she said to him.

Charlie laughed, "Hey Charlie," he replied back. A while back, the two decided that when they speak to each other, they swap nicknames. So Charlie was Chuck to Charlotte, and Charlotte was Charlie to Charlie.

All of the boys hugged one another and greeted each other. Some of them were meeting each other in person for the first time ever, and it was a beautiful moment.

Charlotte walked up the front steps of the house after locking the car behind her and unlocked the door with the key she was given.

"So this is the right place," Schlatt commented as he walked up the stairs with his bags. All of the other boys were gathering their bags from their car as Charlotte, Ted, and Schlatt entered the house.

"HOLY FUCK!" Ted yelled loudly as Charlotte swung the door open and all of the boys piled in behind her.

"Oh shit!" Cooper also exclaimed, followed by more shouts from the other boys. They all dropped their bags in the foyer and admired the house.

"Boys," Charlotte began as she led them into the house, "welcome to your new home for the next five days."

"Chuck," Carson said as the boys walked in and looked around in awe, "this place is amazing!"

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