Chapter 1

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As the dawn arrives for a new day. People starts to wake up, to do their jobs and to gain some money in order for them to live for another day. Some of them sells Jewelries whether if it's made from true gold or not, some sells meats, fish, chicken, and beef that are finest throughout the kingdom, and of course most of the people sells beer for the merchants who came from other kingdoms. It's a very active day for the kingdom which is known for it's beautiful castle that is made with the finest stones and strong enough to stand for thousands of years, no phenomenon can bring it down, and the art on the castle's window are known to be made by the beautiful goddess who lives in the forest near the kingdom. It is a kingdom where everyone respects each other, a kingdom that once filled with love by their King and Queen, a kingdom that brings them faith and to be stronger, and that is the Kingdom of Doria.


"It is time for you to wake up Prince Claudius." Said the maid who was in-charge of the prince's breakfast.

"Not now Scarlet, give me 5 more minutes." Said the prince who was awaken from his deep slumber.

"You already said that an hour ago Prince Claudius. King Hugh asks for your presence on the dinning table immediately or I'll be in trouble." Said the maid who was scared just by thinking that she'll lose her job.

The prince didn't have a choice but to get up and get dressed, feeling a bit irritated because they always know that he's not a morning person and he despise anyone who wakes him up if it's not yet 10 am. 

"Say to that king of yours that I'll be there in 10 minutes." Said the prince while fixing his brown hair.

"I will Prince Claudius, and Good Morning." Said the maid before leaving the prince's door, sighing because of the prince's attitude and thought that how can the prince find his lover if his attitude's like that, well it's not her problem after all. 

10 minutes had past when Claudius arrives at the dinning table, didn't liked the view as he saw the man who he despise the most. Thinking why did her sister married that kind of man, there are many fishes in the sea most of the fish are the best ones, but how did my sister ended up with this plain man. As he walks nearer to his sit the king looked at him and smiled, but he only replied with a grump face, the king can't do anything but to sigh.

"I know what you're thinking Claudius. It's 5 years already, you need to accept me as the betrothed one for you sister." Said the king while getting a letter from a servant.

"Tch, never! I don't want to believe that my sister married a man who has nothing, can't even find a job nor build a business for a living. If it's not for my sister I already killed you, and I don't care whether they put me on jail for that." Said the prince with a sharp tone.

The king sighed again looking at the prince, he knew that he will never accept him for his sister and that he's only like that because his love ones died way too early , it's like this every morning. He can't do anything regarding the prince's attitude, well that's why he's known as the Sadist Prince after all, he reads the letter. A letter from another kingdom, that is well known for it's way to take care of it's people. The prince starts to eat, eyeing each kind of food that were placed on the dinning table that was made from the finest of gold, he took few pieces of meat that are cooked in medium rare, a salad that is made from the freshest vegetables that can be picked on the castle's own farm, he even signaled his maid Scarlet to pour some orange juice on his favorite cup. It was a gift from her mother, a cup made from glass with an outline that is made from gold. It was a beautiful cup and whenever someone saw it they can say that it worth's more than anything from this kingdom.

"It's your parents 7th death anniversary Claudius, I ordered our people to be at the castle's main fountain to celebrate it. We'll be giving them the same lanterns we always make for this kind of celebration. A lantern with a outline of a sword that symbolizes the former king-which is your father. King Cley that is known for his bravery and never stood down to any battle, and a sunflower that symbolizes your mother- the former Queen. Queen Elliana the sweetest queen who always think for her kingdom and puts their safety on top of all." Said Hugh, the servants can clearly see his emotions and they were also sadden whenever they remember the King and Queen who was loved by their people not because they we're powerful, because they didn't forget to always set their feet on the ground and they we're as humble as they could be.

"Do what you want, I rather stay in my room. I have better plans to do." Said Claudius, standing up as he finished his breakfast. He walked through the hallways the servants bowed to show their respect to the prince, as he arrived to his room and closed the door as fast as he could. He collapsed on the floor, he couldn't stop his emotions anymore. He cried silently as he remembered his parents, their touch, their voice, his father's grin and his mother's gentle smile that can erase any problems that he has, and their undying love not just for him and her sister, but also for their people, he can't understand why their parents need to leave his side soon, he was only 13 when they died a horrible dead and no one has a clue on what did they do in order for them to die, he cried until he have nothing to cry left. He lay on his bed and let the slumber take over him.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening when the people starts gathering on the castle's main fountain to celebrate the death anniversary of the former king and queen, each of them were given a lantern.

"When the clock strikes 8 all of us will let go of the lantern, letting it fly to the sky. We always do this every year, to pay respect for our King Cley and Queen Elliana, who did nothing but to love this kingdom. I'm sad to say that Prince Claudius isn't here with us again but, I wouldn't let that be the reason why we shouldn't do this kind of thing." Hugh sits on a chair that symbolizes that he's the king of the kingdom, there were attributes for the late king and queen, some shared their experience with the king and queen, on how they loved helping them whenever they have a problem on their businesses, some sang the songs that they wrote, some made poets and stories on how brave the king is. Everyone waits for the clock to strikes 8, some of them hold there tears, while most of them cries remembering the king and queen as they get ready to free their lanterns.

At last as everyone waits for the clock, they saw a lantern that's flying to the sky. Hugh also saw the lantern and asks himself who was behind it, he think it was best to postpone the celebration and to cease whoever was behind it, until he saw red eyes in the dark. There's no mistaking it, there's only one who inherit the red eyes of the king, a color that proves one's royal blood and the son of the former king, he was Prince Claudius Egon Dior a prince that's known for being a sadist, always gets everything what he wants, no one dared to sway his orders, and no one will dare to fight him,his eyes that would kill anyone that stands on his way, his eyes the symbolizes blood, he was the prince. The prince who's known for his beautiful yet scary Crimson Red Eyes.

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