Chapter Two

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The ship was crashing, and the girls knew this for sure because they had lost complete control of it. Well, it had been going for a was probably about time that it came to the end of its rather adventurous life, surely. 

"I refuse to let this ship crash," Nova said then, pulling back on the wheel as if that was somehow going to get the problem to go away. 

"Nova, Nova, Nova...Listen, we need to grab any supplies we can and turn on the full defenses. We're crashing," Aurora said. 

Nova frowned, and then sighed. She knew her friend was right. 

Halcy walked into the main piloting area and sat down, quickly outting his seatbelt on, as Aurora braved the mission of getting up and staggering as she wandered her way through the sectors of the ship, picking up anything she could find. She wanted just one form of hope. Just one. Surely there were still functioning parts of the ship. 

Fortunately, she was right, because the artificial intelligence voice, otherwise known as Lunar, soon said 'All defenses on. Ship preparing for impact.' 

The warning sirens began to go off, and Aurora exhaled with slight frustration as she managed to reach one more first aid supply pack, before rushing back to the front of the ship. 

"Here," she said, giving Nova a load of the supplies, and then offering some to Halcy, too. 

"Seatbelts are ready. All defenses are online," Nova stated. 

"We're going to be okay, Nova," Aurora said supportively, although she wasn't all-too-sure she believed the words that she was saying. As she said it, she thought back to one of her last remaining memories with her mother, when she had asked her what was happening as Galaveri got destroyed all those years ago. She didn't know who she could rely on any more. For years, it had just been her, but Aurora didn't have the power to stop this ship from crashing. There were too many system failures and not enough bodies onboard to be able to work on them all. 

"Maybe we will be," Nova said then, and her eyes widened slightly as she gazed out the main window of the ship. 

Aurora soon realised what she was talking about when she followed Nova's line of vision. A green and blue planet, right in front of them. They were about to land. Well, okay, not land, crash, but they were about to crash on a planet. They weren't going to just burn up in a shipwreck. Aurora hoped with all that she had that somehow she and Nova were going to be able to make it out of this alive. Halcy, too, of course, was bracing himself for impact. 

This is what they had been waiting for! Sure, the circumstances may not have been ideal, but Aurora had wanted to find a new planet to live on for years, in order to fulfil what she had vowed she would do for her mother- survive. 

If her father could see her now...would he be proud of her? Part of Aurora was still filled with hope that somehow her father's space craft, if such a thing really existed, had managed to land, and that he was still out there, somewhere. 

Alas, Aurora's family was gone. Her blood relatives were, anyway. She had been with Nova for so long now that Nova felt like family. She had got on board the ship all those years ago and had been scared half to death, but Nova had somehow made things feel alright. She was incredibly happy to have her as a friend. 

Nova and Aurora had managed to look after each other for a decade, and as such, they were truly hoping that they would be able to make it out of this situation alive, for each other's sake. 

Without a mother in the picture, Aurora had in ways become that mother. She loved Nova and Halcy very much and wanted the both of them to be okay, above herself, even. 

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