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When I woke up the next morning, my body felt like someone had trampled over me with their horse several times

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When I woke up the next morning, my body felt like someone had trampled over me with their horse several times. I wasn't used to such intense training and workouts and I definitely wasn't looking forward to yet another day of it.

But as I heard the other natblidas getting up to start their day, including Lexa who was moving about above me, I knew I had to get up and do the same.

After a quick breakfast, being sure to avoid Eli and the others, I went to the training grounds for another morning of torture. The other natblidas slowly filed in, lining up alongside me. I saw Lexa, debating whether or not to greet her. She must have seen me, too, as she approached me, standing beside me in the line.

Before I could say anything, she leaned in slightly, saying, "You snore."

I breathed out through my nose with embarrassment, feeling my face heat up.

"I hope everybody slept well," Titus began, saving me the need to come up with a response. "We're going to be doing sword-fighting this morning!"

I heard a few natblidas groan with disappointment as others grunted with approval. Meanwhile, I tensed up at the thought of sword-fighting with any of them.

"Same rules apply, as usual," Clara announced from beside Titus. Though, as if for my benefit, she clarified, "No broken bones. Bruises and bleeding are allowed, but nothing life-threatening please." She narrowed her eyes at someone, adding, "That includes you, Eli."

Eli chuckled, but I could hear no amusement in it. I was glad I wasn't his partner.

"Go on!" Clara concluded, waving a hand in the air.

With that, everyone ran to the display to grab a sword, so I reluctantly followed along. I was approaching whatever swords were left when I almost tripped from Eli bumping into me purposely. He glared at me, sword glinting in his hand, before leaving to train. I licked my lips nervously and grabbed one of the swords.

"Come on," Lexa's voice sounded from beside me, and I saw she was motioning for me to follow her.

The two of us moved into a free space on the grass and I stood opposite her, watching her get into position. As much as I appreciated the brunette and how (somewhat) nice she'd been to me so far, I was beginning to second guess that at the way she studied me like a piece of meat ready to be butchered.

I raised my sword and spread my legs a little for balance, trying to put into practice everything I had been taught with a sword. I knew I wasn't exactly terrible with one as I had been taught since I could walk, but I was nowhere near as skilled as these guys would be. Especially Lexa, who's expression was as focused as I'd ever seen it.

I moved first, going in for a swing at her chest. She parried it with ease, pushing me off her and back a step. I tried to gauge her rhythm as I moved forward again, slashing at her quickly. She kept up though, moving in time with my every move. It was almost like a dance, the way she followed me around with her blade and vice versa. I was so distracted by the way it flowed together that I forgot we were supposed to be fighting, so she surprised me when she suddenly slashed and made contact with my arm, cutting me.

natblida // a lexa x you short story Where stories live. Discover now