Chapter 14

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I cried out as the next contraction came. I was terrified that I wouldn't make it, that my baby would not make it. Mum, Bambi and the doctor were in my bedroom with me, waiting for me to give birth. The rest of my family waited outside, and Annabeth and Colin were undoutably on their way. The only person missing from the Manor would be Johnny. Hopefully he will meet his nephew or niece soon enough. The rhythmic pattern of Derek's pacing distracted me from what was going on, but I wanted him in here with me. But the doctor would not allow him in.

As I collapsed against the wall of pillows behind me, Bambi pressed a cool cloth to my forehead. It felt like I had been in this bed for days, but it was only one day. The doctor checked my progress as Mum sat on the edge of my bed and cupped my cheek.

"Oh, my pet, everything will be alright." She cooed, looking me in the eyes. "You two will come out of this just fine. And I'll stay with you and Derek as long as you need me, and you'll have a lot of people to watch the baby."

"Mum," I panted. "I can' do this... without him..." I turned my head towards the door with a sigh. "How much longer?" I whispered to the doctor.

"Not too long. I expect that he wil be delivered by early tomorrow morning." The doctor said as he straightened. "Excuse me, please." The doctor left the room, and as the door was closing, I watched as Derek tried to enter the room. Mr. Williams and Colin aprehended him before he could grab hold of the door. After a few moments, the door opened again and Annabeth stepped through, her stomach slightly rounded.

"Oh, Immy, how are you?" She asked, grabbing the cup next to my bedside and giving it to me. I greedily drank the water as I watched my other sister-in-law sit on Derek's side of the bed.

"I am managing. Where did they take Derek?" I asked, cupping my stomach. Annabeth brushed her fingers through my hair softly, in a motherly way.

"They took him into his study. Doctor Sanders wants him away from you so you may concentrate." Annabeth said softly. "Mr. Williams is trying to negotiate with him. Derek just needs to see that you are well."

"Annabeth, please, beg Doctor Sanders to let him in. I need Derek." I said, rubbing my stomach. "We need him." I amended. She kissed my forehead softly before getting off of the bed.

"I'll do my best. I will return, hopefully with Derek." Annabeth said, leaving the room.

"Mummy, distract me, please." I whispered. Mum started talking about Johnny and how his school was going.

"He'll be home for Christmas. I was thinking that we should have it here, at Avebury. I'll invite your Aunt and Uncle as well. Oh, I made the baby a blanket, he should love it, Ginny. His first Christmas present!" Mum said, rubbing my stomach softly. I smiled at the thought of it. My baby's first Christmas.

"You're nickname is Ginny?" Bambi asked as she took my hand. "You should have told us, we woud have used that instead."

"I don't mind being called 'Im' or 'Immy'. I am just so used to it now." I said, smiling at her. "But I wouldn't mind being called Ginny once and a while." The door opened and shut softly, with two sets of footsteps walking to the bed.

"Excuse me, Bam." Derek said, taking the place of his sister. "Love," He murmured, pressing his lips to my sweaty head. "How are you? I can hear your screams--they are breaking my heart-- I want to be here with you, Im."

"Please, Derek, stay. Don't let Doctor Sanders take you from the room." I begged softly. "I need ya." Derek kissed my lips quickly, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I have no reason to leave, my love." Derek murmured. "You two will make it through, I promise." The oh-so familiar tightening around my thighs, back and lower stomach returned, and this time I fought to keep in my screams.

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