Chapter 2 - "Spend some time with me"

Start from the beginning

It's 8 in the morning and everyone was sleeping. I opened Alex's folder and read through it as I was waiting for my coffee and toast. To be honest, her file caught my attention. Life wasn't easy on her. I turned the page and found some photos. The first one was probably from her teen years and she was smiling while she was opening a present.
"Brown hair, average body and extremely happy", I said to myself and took a sip of my coffee. The other ones where from her college years and I noticed that in most of them there was William at her side. Did she know him for so long? I mean, she is only 28 but still. After some research, I prepared another cup of coffee and some oatmeal. I put them on a tray and headed towards her room.

"Good morning", I said as I entered her room. Alex was sleeping. I left the tray on the table under the window and locked the door. I grabbed a book from the stack right next to her and took a sit across her. She needed to get some rest, she was probably exhausted.
"I think you need stitches", I heard her voice for the first time and dropped the book on my lap. She was lying on her side, her hands under her head. She was insecure.
"Oh.. You think so? I thought so too but wanted to leave it as it is for some time until I decide what to do", I replied as I looked briefly at my arm, seeing a blood stamp appearing again on my sleeve.
"You should see a doctor. Trembling isn't normal".
"RIGHT! Let me go to the hospital really quick, pay them a fortune and tell them that I was shot so they could arrest me in no time". She smiled just a little and turned on her back, stretching her body. She stood up and went to the bathroom. A little while later, she came back and sat on the chair across me. Her gaze fell on the tray.
"I suppose these are for me?", she asked me and put her hands on the table.
"You are right", I replied and brought my chair closer to the table, putting the book on it.
"Thank you so much. I mean, oatmeal isn't the best option for someone's last meal but I appreciate the thought behind it".
"What do you mean? Last meal?".
"Ohh!.. You.. You aren't going to poison me? That's a shame! I have to erase it from my list".
"What list?".
"With different ways to kill me obviously!". I laughed unexpectedly and saw her smiling, bringing the tray closer to her.
"If we wanted you dead", I said and looked at my watch, "I would probably be at your funeral right now", I said with a serious face. She gulped a sip of coffee and put the cup into the tray and grabbed the bowl with the oatmeal. I took the book in my hand again, continuing with my reading.
"It's cold".
"Not my problem".
"How long have you been in here?".
"Ummm. Almost two hours".
"And why didn't you wake me up?". I annoyingly exhaled and put the book aside again.
"I thought that it was better to let you get some sleep. I'm pretty sure that you didn't sleep all night". She ate and drunk her coffee in silence, letting me read my book. When she finished, I closed the book and put it on the window sill. Her gaze was on me, scanning me from head to toe, trying to read me, to understand me. I can see that she wanted to ask me something but she hesitated.
"You can ask me whatever you want. I can make your...staying here a little bit easier".
"I can help you", she said and exhaled heavily.
"Help me with what?".
"With the stitches. I can help you. I work at my husband's company which is associated with medical products and research. I have some medicine knowledge even though I studied biology and medical research". I took the tray and returned it back to the kitchen. I opened the armory's door and headed towards the small room inside it, where we kept our medical equipment. It is obvious that we know how to treat wounds etc but I can't reach the spot to do it on my own. I went back to her room and took the chair, putting it near her. I put my hair on a low, messy bun to keep them away and turned my face towards hers.
"Now, miss?".
"First of all, blouse. Or at least the sleeve if you are shy". I laughed a little and took out my gun's case alongside my blouse and threw them on the floor, keeping the gun on my right palm. She caught the gauze carefully and started to unfold it.
"Also, I need to inject you some medic-".
"I did that already". She paused and looked at me for a bit.
"I didn't know that you had this kind of knowledge".
"Of course I do. How do you think we treat our wounds? We learn to do that". She smirked and took off the last gauzes.
"Nevertheless, you accepted my help, not your partners'".
"My partners are men, they are sloppy".
"I see...It's going to sting a little but I have to disinfect the wound". She used a sterilized cloth with alcohol and cleaned the wound. I grabbed the gun so hard, trying not to scream once again.
"And I thought that you were a tough woman with such abs". I aimed the gun to her forehead and pressed it so her head was leaning backwards.
"You don't wanna mess with me, Alex. Trust me, I know how tough I can be but you don't. Don't make me use any of my strength on you". She was breathing furiously as she looked at the gun.
"I'm sorry. After all.. Pain makes us...humans".
"Good girl. Now, finish up your job", I said and moved the gun away and leaned back on my chair, closing my eyes. Ten minutes later I was ready and I used a disposable plastic bag to collect everything.
"Vic, can I ask you something?".
"Sure", I said, not paying attention to her.
"I mean..I know that you took me because you didn't find any money in the house". I put the bag on the table and sat down on the bed as Alex sat next to me.
"But, I also know that the money we kept in the house weren't enough. Probably around 5-10 grand. I just..I'm thinking if my kidnapping was originally in the plan".
"Look. As far as I know, that's not the case. But consider me as a pawn, too".
"It..It doesn't make sense you know? And I don't even know how much you want to let me free". There was an awkward silence for a little.
"Did Will spoke with you?".
"If there is communication, my boss is responsible for that". I stood up from the bed, took the plastic bag and unlocked the door. I didn't know why but I wanted to test something.
"Thank you a lot, miss Olivich", I said and closed the door behind me and locked it. I heard her body smashing on the door, her hands were hitting the metal intensively.
"MY NAME IS ROBERTS. ALEX ROBERTS! I FORBID YOU TO USE THE NAME YOU SAID EARLIER. LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR". She screamed for a little while and I regretted calling her with her previous last name. When she calmed down, I moved away from her room and headed towards mine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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