What Was Lost Can Always Be Found

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So, I'll defiantly be editing this chapter within the next week, I'm not 100% happy with it yet, but what can you do. I've also edited bits from the first few chapters.

The next few days were peaceful, they had decided to kit Aryll up in whatever she would need. She had taken a spear from an island resident and Winds skull hammer. She had a  pouch on her side, which for some reason no one was allowed to look into except Legend. She had refused to change into something more practical like a tunic, and opted to keep herself in a dress (Adding pants underneath of course).  Wild had given her his opal earrings, as he didn't need them, and let her keep the Scimiter.

As expected, it wasn't long before the group was getting transported again, Wind and Aryll sulking about the change of scenery. A noise that could only be described as a mix of a gasp and sob escaped from the front of the group. The hero of time seemed to have his eyes stuck on something, before he broke into a sprint towards a town.

"Time? Time where are we?!"

Twilight was chasing after their makeshift leader, the other heroes trailing behind. As they ran through the green field they actively avoided any monster the saw. They were slowly catching up  to the Hero of time as he entered the town, winding corners and shedding his normal serious facade. The hero came to a small stream, and as he reached the water and the rest of the group had finally caught up, they saw him drop. The hero of Time, they're leader, Savoir of Hyrule, Dropped to his knees and started sobbing. There in front of him was 3 fairies and an imp.


The small Yellow fairy seemed to be chewing out the Vibrant blue one. That's when Warriors had moved his way to the front of the group, Pieces of what he knew clicking in his mind.

"Um, excuse us for interrupting but did you say Navi?"

The fairies seemed to notice the group with that, then the broken boy on the ground.

The Dark purple fairy seemed to move towards the group to answer the question meanwhile the golden fairy shot down toward Time, trying to wipe the heroes tears.

"Hey, Link, Link its me Tatl, I'm here, it's okay, you're okay, stop crying or i'll whack ya!" 

While it was obvious that Tatl was trying to help the hero, the same could not be said about Navi, who tried to flee but before she could go, she was suddenly in the tight fist of warriors who seemed pissed.

"If you even try to leave again before you talk to Time, I will not hesitate to have wild shoot you out of the fucking sky."

Wild seemed to catch on that the captain wasn't joking as he grabbed onto his bow and knocked an arrow aas the rest of the group stood in awe at the scene in front of them.

The purple fairy mumbled something along the lines of "Coward" before turning to time and Tatl

"Sis, we should get them somewhere more, private. I'm sure the kid would want that."

"Tael could you and Skull Kid start searching for somewhere with open rooms for them?"

"Got it"

Tael flew away, Skull Kid following, giving a syphthetic smile at the group before vanishing from their view.

"Link. Link we both know you wouldn't want to be seen like this. Can you remember our exercise?"

All the fairy got in response was a small head shake from the Seasoned hero.

"You always were a scatterbrain. First, what time is it?"

"N-Nine Thirty-Seven PM, The 21st second."

"Good, and how long ago did we meet"

"73 years, four months, 11 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes, 32 seconds."

At that number the group stared at there leader, that couldn't be right, sure he was older, but he wasn't 73!

"You're doing amazing Link, last question okay? Then we can get going. How old are you?

"437. I'm... 437 years old."

"It's amazing you still have that internal clock of yours!"

That's when warriors became sure. Time was the masked youngster from the war. He slowly walked over after roughly shoving  Navi into Legends hands.

"Young Link? That's who you are right?"

Time slowly turned to meet Warriors gaze, smiling the faintest bit

"Yes Captain, I was hoping you wouldn't notice, but here we are

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