Chapter 1-Trainee days

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December 18th 2010   (It's a Saturday)                                                                                                                          

You wake up nearly falling of your bed "Damn that was some wild dream" you said to yourself. You dreamed of Chewy (no not tzuyu, well if some of you were thinking that lol idk ;-;) in drag clothes riding a motorcycle around a small rectangular room full of mob dudes. you get your flip-phone and check the time, and its "11:54?!?" You look up to see your younger brother (you share a room with him) "BRO WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP ITS NEARLY 12pm YA KNOW?" y/n shouted

"Shouldn't of slept late then, plus mom told me to wake you up so you can eat your breakfast since you slept for so long" Jungsu said

"whatever 😒" Y/N groaned. You quickly brushed your teeth then ran downstairs where you saw your breakfast on the table (pancakes) then sat down and started eating it not noticing  someone coming your way.

"Y/n" your mom said

"Y3z M0m?" You asked with food in your mouth

"Don't talk with food in your mouth its DISGUSTANG,anyways Come to me in the living room after you eat,I want to tell you some good news and bad news"mom said

"0k m0wM"you answered with food still in your mouth

"KIM Y/N DID I NOT TELL YOU TO NOT TALK WITH FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH?!?"your mom hits you on the shoulder (not that hard though) and walks away

"at least it wasn't that hard" you said to yourself while still eating. "I wonder what the good news and bad news is, maybe its the auditions?"


"hmm, I've already auditioned for  jyp,yg and sm, maybe I should audition for 2 more?"you asked your older sister Eunae

"damn Y/n isn't that too much?" you sister asked

"yea but hey, it's worth it ;)"you winked at Eunae

"yea yea what ever, what other 2 companies you gonna audition for anyway?"Eunae asked

"FNC and Starship Entertainment"you said

"you sure you go'n pass?" Eunae asked 

"Sure i'am, all of them are going to accept but i'll probably pick Jyp"you said

"and how do you know all of them will accept?"your sister asked

"cmon you know me sis, i'm the best dancer,singer and rapper in the world!" you said. "Oh and even acting" you said 

"you literally got an F for drama class I saw that grade , don't try it :)"Eunae said looking all smug

":O, yea yea whatever all of them are gonna accept me since they'll know i'm too good HEE HEE"you said walking away confidently 

"yea yea we'll see"Eunae said quietly walking to her room                

                                                                            End of flashback

"Yea they'll definitely accept me for sure" you said to yourself confidently while finishing your BEAKFAST and then you put your plate in the sink, drank some juice then went to your mom in the living room where you saw your dad also sitting there with your mom and younger sister Haewon sitting on the floor watching TV.

"Hey Y/n please sit down"your mom said

"ok" you sat down

"So we have something to tell you" your dad said pulling out his phone

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