As years passed by, he never complained as things get difficult because of my situation. He never leave... I'm already 4th year college when I decided  to ran away from our house and that changed my whole life... It's too painful that even my promise not to give up are no longer fulfilled because I myself get tired of the situation already. I can't take it anymore that even my body punished me with a lot of illness i've experienced as i take my final term in college . Living alone as i study and work at the same time to fill up all my everyday expenses were the most difficult that time. But again he never leave at my worst. Matteo helped me with my OJT, Reviewing me whenever I have exams and guiding me as I work for my thesis. He's not a Licensed Engineer for nothing but also my best teacher because I'm taking Engineering as well. I survived my college years with him by my side and I can't thank him enough for that. After these years of being together, I didn't heard any single complaint of him being tired with our relationship set up, being tired with me... He has all the reasons to leave me, but he didn't. We almost give up too for some reasons... But still, he fought for our relationship. We chose to fight together.



Sarah fell asleep because of crying nonstop. I decided to stay with her here in her unit because she's a mess earlier. Her Tita went home already but she promised to keep sarah in touch and to stay her away from their family issues.

Why do they even have to experienced what they're going through for the past years? They don't deserve all of these.

"Love!!!" Its Sarah, she's crying!


I went fast to her bedroom, I saw her crying and was about to get off her bed,

"Lovey, what's wrong?" I asked as I held her face.

"Love..." She sobs, "I thought you left already..."

"Sshhh, I'm here!" I kissed her forehead, "Stop crying, will you?" while caressing her cheeks.

She nodded as she wipes her tears, "Lovey, don't leave me." she sobs.

"I won't, love!" I pulled her for a hug. "Let's sleep now, it's kinda late already!"

She nodded.

"What are your plans for tomorrow, love? Aren't you going to work?" I asked her.

She looked up to me, "Yeah, Tita wants to talk to me. She said its really important."

"I'll come with you! I won't risk you just like that, love! I need to make sure you're safe before anything else." I said as I caressed her face with my left hand.

She pouts, "You loved me these much, aren't you?"

"Ofcourse I do, I love you more than my life. I want you safe!"

She reached for my right cheek as well, "You're making me kilig, love! Okay, sama ka sa'kin bukas!"

"You really are good in tagalog na, love! I kinda jealous." I told her.

She chuckled, "You can do it too, love! Just talk in tagalog every chance you get, then you'll get used to it!"

"I wish I can, I'm shy to talk in tagalog then everyone will judge me!" i pouted.

"Atleast you're trying, love! Don't mind them, okay?"

"Okay. By the way, how's your current project?"

Her mood changed real quick when it comes to work. Well, It's a big project for her. She's working it for the past weeks already and I must say she's so focus and determined with these one. No wonder why she's the top Engineer in the company she's working right now. We talked a lot more about work and some of our future vacations before we decided to sleep. It's already super late.


The morning after...

"Love, why so quiet?" I asked sarah.

We're on our way going to her Tita's Company today. But she's been so quiet since we left her unit..

She looked at me, "I'm just preparing myself, love! You know... I don't know really  if I can still take it if she tell  me pa her other stories that she went through. It feels like the more she's telling her side, the more it hurts!"

The last words were almost a whisper...

I held her hand, "I'm here, okay? You'll get through this, love! You've been strong and just like what happened before, It's just a suface. Don't worry..." I smiled at her.

She gave me a smile, "I hope so. But Tita looks so strong, 'no? She's always smiling.."

"Just like you, love!" I told her, "I think that's one of your similarities! You have resemblance to her also!"

"Yeah!" she laughs, "And she has dimples too!"

"Exactly. You really are connected to each other!"

And we both laughed.

We stopped by to Mcdonalds for a while to have a quick breakfast since it's only 9 and our supposed meeting with her Tita Seah is at 10, we have more time to atleast eat before going there.

It's already 9:40 when we reached her Tita's Company Building. It's huge, I must say! I wonder how she managed this company without her family knowing that the owner of this is their child? They must be proud.

"She really that successful, isn't she?" Sarah said as she looked around when we entered the lobby.

"She is, love!"

Then a girl age 50's approached us, "Ms. Santos and Mr. Sanchez?" she asked us.

"Uhm, Yes Miss! We have a meeting with Ms. Seah!" Sarah told her.

She smiled, "Yes, she said that the meeting will be at her penthouse! Please, come with me!"

We both smile and nodded as she guided us entered the elevator.

"You must be her niece? Sarah, right?" The girl asked Sarah.

Sarah just gave her a smile.

"By the way, I'm Linda. I'm your Tita's personal assistant!" she introduced herself.

"Nice meeting you po!" Sarah said extending her hand for a shakehand.

I did the same too, "Nice meeting you, Ma'am!"

The elevator says that we're already at the 30th floor but we didn't reached the penthouse yet. How tall this building are? The elevator opened when we reached the 35th floor. It's a big penthouse that occupied the whole floor alone. This must be where she lived.

We really have a nice talk with her. From telling us where she started to being this successful is something admirable about her alone. She talked with subtance and professionalism. No wonder why she's the President and owner of this company.

She proved sarah that she's a real santos. She showed us the pictures of the family; a family picture where her all siblings are there but she's not. And that says a lot when Sarah saw her Dad in the picture, she really are her Tita. But as much as she wants to tell more stories, she wants to tell first her intention why she wants to have a talk to Sarah, to us.

"I want you two to run this company!" She told us.


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