chapter 27

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Chapter 27 “Distraction”

As they got closer to the Academy and no one came to stop them Akira began to wonder if perhaps, she would actually reach the building and be able to end this here. Yet then suddenly, she caught sight of several shapes rising from the Academy and making their way towards her.

“Watchers,” Redemption reported. “Steeson can’t be serious, there are only five of them,” he added with a snort. “Either he is an idiot or he has a sense of humor. Either way, I feel insulted, five? I mean seriously, I was expecting something along the lines of an entire army!”

“Ree,” Akira warned as she was able to make out the shapes of the riders dressed in blue and black on the backs of their dragons. “I would rather face fewer than more. Besides,” she eyed the sides of the Watchers where she was sure they had Shockers tucked in their belts, “I sure don’t want to be hit by one of those things.” She shuddered at the memory of the excruciating pain that one went through when hit by the ball of electricity that the Shockers emitted. And that was if one was lucky. For if you were unlucky, then the voltage would be set so high that you died.

“Maybe they aren’t here to attack us but are a peaceful welcoming party,” Redemption suggested. No sooner has he said so than the Watchers each pulled forth a shocker and began to charge them, the blue light of the building electricity clearly in sight.

“Or maybe not,” Redemption thought.

“Some welcoming party,” Akira thought wryly as they drew closer to the Watchers and she could make out their features.

As they got closer one of the Watchers suddenly shot his Shocker and Akira and Redemption were faced with a blue, crackling ball that flew towards them at a tremendously fast rate. Redemption easily anticipated the path of the ball and dipped side wards, avoiding it and causing it to continue flying onwards behind him until it disappeared into the distance.

“How about I take care of this by turning the heat up a bit?” Redemption thought as he calmly dodged another ball and continued on his path.

“No!” Akira protested as she read her dragon’s intentions. “We’re not burning anyone Ree. We don’t know if they are being controlled or not, and even if they are not, Steeson must have deceived them in some way to get them to attack us. We cannot kill them if they are not doing this of their own free will or have been deceived into doing so.”

“Well that sucks,” Redemption thought sulkily, “What’s the point of being able to breathe fire if you can’t burn anything?”

“Don’t tell me you can’t do this the good old fashioned way,” Akira smirked as Redemption suddenly flipped upside down to avoid another ball.

“Is that a challenge?” her dragon thought as he flipped back the right way up.

“Sure,” Akira smiled, a gleam in her eyes. Excitement shivered through her as she anticipated the fight ahead. It had been too long, and now, when they were almost upon the Watchers, she suddenly realized how she had missed the excitement and the adrenalin of these moments.

“Well then,” Redemption thought as he stretched his neck and increased his pace, “How about you sit back and watch me take care of this the old fashioned way then?” Without giving Akira the chance to reply he continued on his path straight towards the Watchers and their dragons.

He dodged one blue ball after the other. Then, when it seemed like he was going to collide with the Watchers he suddenly folded his wings back and dived straight down, missing colliding with the other dragons by a hairs breadth.

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