Quarantine Buddy

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Bruce Wayne: He would absolutely respect the quarantine and wouldn't go outside for months. As his buddy,you would get to stay in the Wayne Manor,test every gadget,play every game he owns,and also spend a lot of time with Bruce alone. By the end of the first week,he already asks you if you'd be interested in being more than just friends.
Selina Kyle: Being with Cat means she would stay inside with her all day,usually her teaching you how to pick locks or sleeping,and by night she would still go out,preying on closed shops.
Victor Zsazs: He would use it to check every single safe house from Gotham,in the end he would find a lot of unsuspecting targets.
Jerome Valeska: He would rather be bored because the streets would be rather empty,and he would spend most of his days planning things.
Jonathan Crane: During social distancing,he wouldn't leave his lab,he would always try to perfect his formulas and test new ones.
Barbara Kean: You and Barbara would spend the days and nights at her place,mostly drunk or getting drunk,binge watching series and braid each others' hair.
Tabitha Galavan: She would use the free time to train with you,exchanging tips and techniques and trying to stay in shape.
Victor Fries: Quarantine wouldn't bother him at all. As he already couldn't go outside,he would spend the days listening to Whitechapel and making small changes to his suit.
Bridgit Pike: She would go outside at night to burn the buildings of some notorious brothels or trying to cross some names from her target list,mostly of abusers and pimps who are somehow still free.
Edward Nygma: He would still have to go to work at GCPD but outside this and grocery shopping he wouldn't do anything else.
Oswald Cobblepot: Oswald wouldn't take this crisis seriously until a few of his men get sick. After this he would spend his days trying to make sure Gotham citizens stay safe inside their homes.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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