Chapter 1

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The boat rocked dangerously through the storm. A sailor without experience would've been long gone to Davey Jones's locker in these conditions. Yet, you stood perfectly still on the deck. Your knuckles white from your tight grip on the wooden railing.

You watched the growing storm in front of your eyes. Lightening reflecting off the harsh water briefly lighting the ship in flashes. Oddly enough the ship fit in perfectly with the scene. The black ripped sails creating a haunting contrast against the sky.

The rain was heavy, mixing on your skin with the salt of the ocean which rushed over the barriers. Yet, it brought you peace. Keeping your eyes on the horizon was your biggest freedom. Something which couldn't be taken away from you.

The shouts of the crew echoed all around you. It was almost as if you were frozen in your own world. Away from the chaos. Just you and the horizon.


Instinctively your gut dropped at the sound of his voice. But you kept your eyes trained forward, voiding him of your emotion. You could feel his eyes on you, studying you. Out of the corner of your eye you could see him step forward, replicating your stature as he placed his hands on the wood next to yours.

"Beautiful isn't it?"
He was looking at the storm too.

You answered quickly, cursing his presence.
Suddenly you felt sickly. It wasn't a wonder why; his rough hand was on your cheek, caressing your salt tinged skin. The rain poured more forcefully and you wished for it to wash you away.

"Look at me darlin"

You didn't. A mistake on your part as he grabbed your chin, not minding to be careful. You squeezed your eyes shut despite all.

"Look at me." He ordered again and your body jerked, your hand slapping his off you.
Finally you opened your eyes, meeting his gaze with a glare. "You repel me." You spat. He remained unfazed but you were clever enough to know that your resistance angered him.

You watched, locked in place as he withdrew his sword. Only a fool would move. So you stayed still. Even as he held the sharp metal against your skin. It was cold even against your wet skin.

He took another step forward, face inches from yours. "Let's not forget who ye work for, eh?"
You swallowed deeply, repressing your disgust. After all, this had been your life for years now.

"Ay Captain." You spoke, topping it with a fake smile.
He removed the sword, replacing it with his hand once again as he watched you carefully.
"You won't disappoint me now, will ye?"

"No, Captain." You answered again.

"No, ye won't, my treasure." He pressed his chapped lips to your cheek, an action which he'd become fond of. As if he actually cared about you. As if you weren't something for him to trade whenever it suited him. As if you owing him your life wasn't the only reason you were here.

You watched gladly as he walked away from you, back to the wheel of the ship.

When you looked back to the sea you could see the outline of Port Royal. You readjust your sword which is strapped to your belt, along with the dagger stashed in your knees high boots, ready for battle.

Soon, this would be over. And it would be you and your freedom. Just you and the horizon.

A Pirates Heart (WillTurnerxReader)Where stories live. Discover now