7 - Last Heal

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There was a controversy circling around the internet, a dangerous one. Prior to IDOLiSH7's comeback performance, no music videos or digital downloads were available to the public so the song would be a surprise and introduced live. However, apparently at the same moment the group had started their live performance, TRIGGER had released their comeback music video which happened to be the same song. Everyone in the audience had heard the two versions of the song playing at the same time — one on the stage, one on the electronic screen. Even mid-performance, the members of IDOLiSH7 heard it.

The public wanted answers. Yet, both the companies of TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 had remained quiet since the event. TRIGGER's manager, Anesagi, had reached out to Tsumugi in regards to this complication on the same day it had happened. Ultimately, the two decided that the best way to work this out would be to allow TRIGGER to keep promoting Natsu Shiyouze. They had agreed to speak to the public and call it a communication error in one of the coming days.

And thus, MEZZO" had debuted as a subunit consisting of Tamaki and Sogo with the song Ame. This way, IDOLiSH7 wouldn't have to work as seven but could keep the promotions ongoing until the next comeback. The duo was met with warm praise from the fans of IDOLiSH7 but that didn't stop the press from accusing MEZZO" as a means of distraction from the incident with Riku and the song controversy. Yet even with these critics, Sogo and Tamaki worked their hardest for the next weeks to promote as MEZZO" to maintain IDOLiSH7's image. And with the sudden shift of plans from IDOLiSH7 to MEZZO", Tsumugi had much on her hands to deal with now.

To make things easier for the manager, Iori had promised to look after Riku during his month of rest. Although Tsumugi was reluctant at first, Iori had insisted full responsibility which gave her no choice but to put her trust in him. To update the public, Riku had sent out a letter to social media. Basically, it said that he was in "healthy, but resting condition" and apologized for the inconvenience of the fans. 

"Please support my friends and fellow group members, Sogo and Tamaki, in their debut as MEZZO"! ^^~" Riku had finished the letter off with. And to avoid anxiety about how the internet would react to it, he had posted it right before shutting off his phone and tucking himself into his first night's sleep back at the house of IDOLiSH7.

The next day, Riku woke up at 2PM. Surprised to see how late it was, he quickly got himself ready for the day and met Yamato, who was setting up a plate of omurice, in the kitchen.

"Here you go," Yamato said while sliding the plate onto the counter in front of Riku. "I made it the moment I heard you exit your room." How motherly, he was.

"Thank you," Riku said with a smile. He sat down at the counter and began to chow down Yamato's consistently-delicious cooking. "Where is everyone?"

"They're out buying groceries for dinner. We're planning to treat Sogo and Tamaki to some pork-cutlet bowl for dinner since they've been so busy lately," Yamato answered while drying out clean dishes.

"I didn't mean to wake up so late today," Riku said with disappointment. "I wanted to say good-bye to them."

"It's alright, they would understand," Yamato encouraged him.

Twenty minutes later after Riku had finished his omurice, the front door opened and the Iori trampled in with Mitsuki and Nagi. 

"You didn't have to buy that much hot sauce!" Mitsuki shouted at Nagi while kicking off his shoes angrily. Nagi was holding a plastic bag with dangerous pile of hot sauce bottles clinking against each other. Mitsuki was holding a bag filled to the top with King Pudding.

"Oh but Sogo would appreciate it! The more the merrier!" Nagi said in his enthusiastic, shameless voice.

"But it's not like he drinks it!" Mitsuki retaliated.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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