Part 3

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The next morning jack woke with a smile he got up and swam to the entrance and went to his coral spot and waited for miko and raph to wake he looked out threw the ocean when he heard miko's energetic voice " heya Jack " she shouted. Jack grimce but smiled at the and hugged raph as he laid down near him since he was a kid he still slept late " come on you three were going to cybertron " he spoke and laughed as miko and raph whooped before turning and swam to the city only to gap at what he saw

 Jack grimce but smiled at the and hugged raph as he laid down near him since he was a kid he still slept late " come on you three were going to cybertron " he spoke and laughed as miko and raph whooped before turning and swam to the city only to ...

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The place was huge but beautiful " oh wow " he said only to jerk when his tail and eyes glowed as they near the city " wow  your tail is so pretty " he turn and saw a young merformer jack gave off a kind smile " why thank you u young madam" he spoke. The little pup giggles and goes to her family. " I see your good with pups " jack jump a mile he turn and saw optimus " optimus don't do that " he gasped out eyes wide only he saw the prime gapping " optimus". Optimus looked at jacks features and couldn't help but stare he was so beautiful and his tail was the night sky his name beginning called is what broke him from his starring he saw it was jack and smirked this was the best time to move " you look lovely shall i show you around jack miko raph bulkhead and bumblebee are in their " he pointed to the biggest building before taking jacks servo. Jack blushed at optimus before following him " this place is wonderful" he finally spoke as the stop near a pool that looked like a rainbow water fall " wow " jack got closer his tall shinning brightly with the colors. Optimus gapped at the beauty and licked his lips his Optics were filled with want but most of all love only fkr this wonderful time to be ruined by a certain pink femme Optimus groan. Jack heard the girly voice " oh opti " jack gave off a grimce as a pink mer came into view she stop when she saw jack " um excuse me but what are doing with my mate " jack looked to optimus only to see him rubbing his fave with a glare jack smile ( she not his mate but  she wants to be ) he thought " I don't think he wants you mate just buy your looks you seem desperate" he exclaimed crossing his arms the pink femme growled " why you little freak " she swam to him. Jack eyes glowed threateningly his tail doing the same getting a bit brighter causing the femme to stop and bow her head in submission " y your and alpha " she exclaimed backing up jack gave off a nod " yes i am look stop trying to make people do what you want try being yourself for once not some desperate idiot " he spoke softly the mer began to cry " I'm sorry my my father said he would throw me out if i didn't try and mate with optimus I don't really want to " she cried jack frown swimming forward and hugged her in comfort " your a strong noble femme show them you can do it all by yourself " he pulled back giving a comforting smile. The pink femme smiled and held her head high before swimming off. Jack smiled only to yelp as he was pushed up a against a wall and was kissed he stared eyes wide only to relax and groan as it was optimus when he pulled back jack was panting " and what was that for " optimus smirked " that jack was me showing you how much i love it when you take control with certain thing but i asure you when the time come it will be taking control " he growled licking the mers neck. Jack gasped with a groan head tilted so optimus had more room " i think i like the sound off that " he spoke with a pant as optimus pulled back they looked into each other eyes with smiles. Optimus leaned down and kissed him one last time before pulling back and took his servo " i want to show you my home " . Jack smiled and followed optimus tail rubbing up against the prime jack smirked at optimus gapping face " that was pay back " he spoke with a laugh only to gasp as the prime whipped around and held him close to his chest and curled their tails together " is this good enough for you jack " he purred jack groaned as he felt his ear beginning nipped " y yeah it is " he stuttered out. Optimus smirked before unwrapping himself and picked jack up who yelped and carried him home. Jack smiled the whoa way their only to gal at what he saw

Jack turn to optimus " a castle " he spoke with awe in his voice

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Jack turn to optimus " a castle " he spoke with awe in his voice. Optimus chuckled " yes i am cybertron Alpha prime " he spoke pride in his voice letting his mate know that he was a strong alpha. Jack smirked at this  before before leaning up and nip the mers fine only to snicker as he felt the mech jerk. Optimus looked down at his mate with a playful frown " that was cruel ". Jack smiled " that was for surprising me " he laughed. Optimus Optics looked in thought before giving off a smirk he looked down at his soon to be mate and purred in his ear" i wonder what i would get if i were to surprise you with something bigger " . Jack shivered and licked his lips loving how the prime followed the movement with hunger optics " why don't you find out " he purred right back before jumping from the primes arms and swam beside him jack smiled as they swam by rocks each opening they would look at each other with loving eyes when a bigger opening came up optimus swam to jack and pulled him to his jest looking at him as they circle each other reaching the surface. Jack smiled before swimming and jump threw the water. Optimus gasped at the sight as the night sky and jack tail blended in perfectly. Jack laughed and dived back into the sea he looked at optimus with a smile only to freeze as those lips touched his own before pulling back. Optimus looked down into jack eyes and gapped again the stars shined bright in them and he new he couldn't wish for a better mate " jack when comes time for my species to mate will do me the honor of becoming mine and staying here with me " he asked. Jack gasped looking at the prime in shock he never thought could only hope. He smiled " i would love that optimus " he spoke giving off a loving smile. Optimus spark leaped in happiness before leaning forward and kissed his mate. Jack groan into the kiss as their tails wrapped around each other before pulling back for air. Optimus smiled before giving a smirk " oh and about a day from now our mating season will before near so prepare yourself love " he smirked leaning into jack and grinded once before pushing back and started swimming down back to his home. Jack stayed their heavy breathing and slightly turn on by Optimus actions he turn with a smiled and went to dive only shout with a jerk went a net wrap around him jack heard Optimus shouting for him jack reached out only to gasp as he was pulled out of the water " JACK JACK NOOOOOOOOOOO I WILL WAIT FOR U MY LOVE ". Jack screamed as he was put into a tank " OPTIMUS ". Optimus cried out in sorrow as he watched his mate be taken for the human amusement but he he new he would see his jack again he just had to be strong " brother " he turn and glared at megatron with tears only to freeze as his enemy hugged him " sh i know the feeling I watched my mate be taken to  " optimus cried " what where their names " megatron gave  off  smile her name was soul fire " he laughed. Optimus sighed before giving the mech a thankful nodded and swam back to his home and gave everyone the bad news.
/ Lets see what happens to jack shall we 😎/ 

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