Part 2; You Did What?!

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I sat up, head foggy... and, God, in so much pain. I went to grab my pounding skull, but something was weighing it down. It wasn't that much, but it was enough to make it difficult for my already weakened body.

I looked down at what was stopping me... it was just a doll. It looked so familiar, ... yet so foreign at the same time. It made an image flash to my mind, but before I could grasp what it was, it was gone.

I shrugged it off, blaming it on my headache.

When I stood, I grabbed onto the wall for support as the world spun around me. My mouth was dry and my stomach empty, so I started to walk to the kitchen. I exited my room and started down the hallway towards the conjoined kitchen-living room area. I saw Annika playing with Aprow, a Great Dane covered with brown and black spots. They were on the living room floor.

"Good morning," I said tiredly.

"Good morning," Annika responded, her voice soft as usual. Aprow barked quietly, as though wanting to say his good morning as well. I chuckled, acting as if every sound didn't feel like a hammer beating at my skull and grabbed (Favorite frozen snack) out of the freezer. 

I threw it in the microwave and turned to get some water when I noticed a note on the table.

It read; "Me and your father have gone on a business trip. We expect you to clean the house, wash the dishes and clothes, make meals, and care for Annika and Aprow while we are not there.

Signed-- (Mother's name)"

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Do you always use such language around someone as young as Annika?" someone murmured, right into my ear. I turned around and went to punch them, only for them to catch my fist and finish their sentence like nothing happened.

They looked so familiar. I tried remembering last night, which was a blur. Do I know them...?

"After what I did last night, this is how you repay me?" He spoke. His tone was soft and calm, and his voice was firm and proper, but filled with amusement.

"W-what... ?" I stammered as I thought back. Everything was so fuzzy! What the hell happened last night? "What did... what did you do?" I asked, very hesitant and tentative.

"Heh, you don't remember?" he started, cocking his head to the side before looking down. In a hushed voice, he uttered, "I reckon that makes two of us."

Before I could ask what he meant by that, the microwave went off, making me jump. I went over to it and took my food out.

"H-hey (Y/n)?" Annika inquired.

"Yes?" I said, careful to watch what I said with this... person around.

"I'm... hungry." She was an extrovert, sure, but she didn't like bothering people. I wonder which parent gave that trait to her.

"Here," I said as I gave my plate to her, my appetite was lost. "So," I turned back to the individual who gave me quite the fright, "What happened last night?"

Now that we were further apart, I could get a better look at what he was wearing. It was your typical fancy suit, colored in black, white, and red. Though you gotta admit, it matched his skin and hair... almost too perfectly.

He had started speaking, but my head had hurt too much to be able to pay attention.

"N-nevermind, you can tell me later, I've got too much work to do." I would just push through the pain. Not like the work was anything new when it came to my parents.

I started to walk back towards the to-do list before someone had grabbed my wrist, somewhat causing me to stumble. "W-what?" I needed to start this, I didn't know when my parents would be back.

"You look sickly, are you sure that you'd be able to clean under such conditions?" said the guy whose name I couldn't remember asking.

But then, I did remember. Not his name, but rather, the events of last night. It all came back in fragments, but I was decent at puzzles. But when it was finished...

I was so confused. "Wait, I... so you just came here... trespassed, then... helped me? W-why are you even--," he cut off my rambling.

"One question at a time."

"I... who are you?"It was the main question floating in my head, and one of the most important.

He let out an airy laugh as he walked towards me and placed a hand on my back, guiding me to a chair in the living room. "Of course, a reasonable question... I don't know who I am, being quite honest with you. I don't know my name or where I came from... I don't even know how I ended up here if neither of you know me." I sat down, getting lost in thoughts.

I reflected back on last night. "So... you're the one who helped me?"

"Yes, I may not have known you, but I couldn't just stroll out like nothing happened, could I?" I wasn't sure what to think of his response. Was he implying that he would have left, but his conscious stopped him... or that he would have left but only helped to see if we had known about him and/or we could help him?

"But if you're the one who sat behind me...," I started to think aloud.

Last night, Annika had said, "You're both okay!" You're both okay...

"Annika, Sweety?" I asked wanting to get her attention. She had finished eating, and was back to playing with Aprow, the only past time she knew. She looked up at me, humming so that I would know she was paying attention. "Do... do you know this man?" She froze, then looked at the ground.

Damn it, she did.

"How long have you known him?" I asked after a moment of silence. The male was... intrigued by my methods, to say the least. "And hold up a second... you defended him last night!?"

This made the man crack up. "Don't laugh! This is no laughing matter! You should know, you're not off the line either! I did not sign up to babysit 2 kids..."

"I'm getting off track," I thought.

"Wait, so Annika... when did you first meet him?" I questioned.

"O-oh, uh, yesterday." She didn't like how the spotlight was back on her, but it was more tolerable now that the mood was lighter.

"No, before last night," I said. She wasn't gonna try to trick me just like that.

"I-it was yesterday. I was playing in the woods with Aprow when I saw him. I-I didn't want to leave him out there, so I put him on the sled Aprow had on. W-we--," I was about to speak, but the male brought his hand up to signal me to let her talk, so I did. He was now sitting in a nearby chair with his legs crossed while leaning forward, fixated on the story. "We brought him back here and placed him on my bed s-so he could rest." When Annika finished, She was slumped over and looking at the ground, afraid to make eye contact.

"YOU WHAT!?" I stood up rage filling me.

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