A Weird Dream

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"Who could have wrote this, Well I better stop thinking about this, I have homework to finish"

After I left the letter on my desk to figure it out later I went to do my homework which I had to do

*50 minutes later*

"Well homework was hard as bricks, Well I'm going to take a shower now"

After my shower I laid on the sofa and dozed off then I heard my alarm clock go off

"What the heck it's morning already" Kazuki didn't want to get up but dragged himself off the bed and did his routine

Kazuki then looked at his clock to realize how he only had 4 minutes left before classes started, running out the door and shutting it, he jumped off the railing and landed like nothing happened

He sighed in relief as he was in the school gate and entered the school as he opens the door he sees his servant

"Well Oka the only one here right now" Kazuki had a long pause
'Wait why us Oka the only one here, it's 8:25' Kazuki broke the silence

"Ummm....Oka where is everyone?" Kazuki asked

"Kazuki?! Oh well its early in the morning and you know me with the early mornings" Wait a minute was my alarm clock an hour back, no it couldn't or maybe it was

Kazuki asked Oka for the time and she said "7:34"

Kazuki knew something was off but now that he's here he can't do nothing even if he left he knew he had to be back

"Oh, but I wanted to see you Master" She said

"Oh, why's that?" Kazuki asked

"Because Kazuki-dono, wait no Kazuki I Love You"

"Eh, did I hear that correctly? You love me!!!" Kazuki shouted

"Yes Kazuki-san I love you" Oka repeat but without stuttering

'This has to be a dream but I mean I was with Oka for a long time now' Kazuki looked at Oka and smiled

"I'll give you a answer later Alright Oka" she smiled

"I'll be waiting Kazuki"

But before I left her in the classroom I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek so she could feel better

"I'll be back" Kazuki said while Oka gave a nod

Akari PoV

I watched the whole thing as I got angry

"Did that bastard get a kiss from my future husband? I won't let that happen he's only mine and mine only"

"Kazuki, Good Morning"

"Good morning Akari"

Yamabuki PoV

What should I tell him he's cute but I just met him yesterday I can't just have a crush on him already that's impossible

"Heya Kazuki good morning" I greeted

"Heya Yamabuki" I waved at her

"Kazuki I have something to tell you"

"Sure what is it" Kazuki replied

"Can you take me to the movies and mate with me after?!?!?!" This has to be a dream not even the harem protagonist would take the offer

"Yamabuki are you feeling okay?" I said with fear

"My future husband isn't into that yet so back off thot" Wait why Akari

Kazuki PoV

Class began and I had to hear them argue about me and me only

I had to put up with tugging and kisses

But none of that matters because the hag is the art teacher to what I heard but she wasn't in there but a substitute teacher

But after art class I ran to my dorm so Oka, Akari, and Yamabuki wouldn't be coming for me

'This is some dream of some sort' I thought

I went to the bathroom to wash my face then came back out and what a surprise The Hag was there

We stared at each other for a few second but now I wanted to know what she was doing here with my clothes and how she got in


"Aww come on Kazuki don't be like that I'm just your cute 17 year old" She not 17

"Damn you Kikuko out of everyone in school you break into–" I had a moment as I saw the letter on my table

"Wait did you write that letter?" Kazuki asked

"Nice catch Lad"

"I think I'm going to be sick" But at the same time I wanna kiss her

Wait what are you saying Kazuki this is the hag we talking about

"Kazuki has anyone ever told you how cute you look"

Wait why is she saying this

I'm about to faint

Huh? My body is moving on it's own wait this is a dream

"Kikuko, you cute thing" Wait Kazuki stop

"Kazuki kiss me, and let's be happy together"

'Wow after all these centuries I found love and it's with Araya's Son'

"Come here Kazuki"

We both touched lips and started kissing and I was terrified

Kazuki PoV

I woke up in discomfort, thinking about that dream had me feeling something else

She has to find true love if she doesn't I'll be the one marrying her

'Wait how does that work?'

I got out my bed and entered my and made dinner as I finished my dinner I packed my homework in my backpack and left it on my couch so I can grab it and go

But I couldn't sleep after what I witnessed

"Ima stay up a little longer"

"Fuck it Ima stay up all night" Kazuki said confidentially

Years ago

"Well Kazuki, well done on training"

"Thanks Kikuko" as I planted a kiss on her cheek for a thank you

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