Chapter 20 - Deal

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The impact from Yunlan's attack sends the surrounding puppets within 10 meter radius flying and crashing. Since the attack is directly on Guo, it causes the puppets to seize movement that's why they could be easily sent flying. Even Shen Wei has to exert strength in order to hold his ground.

The whole hall is covered by thick dust making Shen Wei unable to see anything before him which escalates his worries for Yunlan. After a while, the dust has lessen allowing him to see the outline of those at the scene. However, Shen Wei is seeing 3 shadows in which he dashes towards them at once because the additional is definitely a demon and Yunlan might be in danger. Soon he's right behind Yunlan and looking at the uninvited guest.

"King Chu, shouldn't you be somewhere else? I thought I've to finish off this level before." Yunlan asks using his mocking tone.

"My damsel is in distress, how could I not come?"

Normally Guo doesn't appreciate having the perverted Demon King coming for him all the time, but today is an exception. If he hadn't come like usual, Guo would've been dead. The attack from Yunlan is indeed a deadly one. It's powerful enough to break King Chu's sword into pieces since it was used to block the attack.

"Since you're here already, let's just fight it out right now." Yunlan just wants to end this as soon as he can.

"What's the hurry?"

"Hello? I need your blood for the antidote in case you may have forgotten. And I don't even know how long I've been here. So the faster I get what I need, the sooner that I can leave this place."

"Oh, that's right. Sorry I totally forgot since it's something quite frivolous. But you see, my little Guo is shocked from your violent attack and I need to comfort him. So you just wait here until I'm done." King Chu is deliberately delaying the time.

"Comfort? Are you sure what you're going to do is comforting and not something like kissing or making love?"

"Well, making love is one of the effective way to comfort someone."

"Ha ha ha, right. But your damsel seems to have went without you." Yunlan points out that Guo has already disappeared when King Chu was blabbering nonsense.

The Demon King instantly disappear after looking around and notice that Guo is really gone. Yunlan couldn't help but to feel tired; not from the fight it's rather from this b******t. Yet the world brightens up when Shen Wei stands in front of him.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course ... not."

"Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Yes .... my heart hurts."


"We've been separate for too long. I miss you so much that my heart hurts."

Shen Wei ignores the fake whining Yunlan. "But I didn't expect the Demon King to be here."

"Aiya, Xiao Wei don't tell me you didn't notice their relationship, although it's mostly one sided? Anyway, I was about to hurt his sweetheart, so how can he not be here?"



Yunlan looks around the hall to find a suitable place to rest and set up the barrier while Shen Wei neatly lays the sleeping mat just like that time in the Nightmare Forest. Yunlan sits on the mat and lean his back against the wall to watch Shen Wei line up various medicine bottle after bottle.

"Xiao Wei, are you opening a drugstore?"

"These are the medicine and enhancement pills for you."

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