fourth: seduction

Start from the beginning

There was a long queue at the entrance. Moving closer, I felt shivers up my spine at the vibrations of the blaring music blasting from inside. A tall, bulky bouncer glowered at me. I gave him a small smile before introducing my facade. 

"Waters, Mason."

The man's eyes clouded in recognition as he stepped aside and let me step into the cacophony of colours.

It was a riot.

Music was blaring so loud that it took all my strength to not shut my ears with my palms. Blue, green, red, all the colours of the rainbow were flashing in the dark room in the form of coloured bars of light. Streaking over skin that glistened with sweat. Hundred upon hundreds of bodies were writhing, gyrating, shimmying to the infectious music. I sucked in a breath as my nostrils inhaled the sharp stink of alcohol and sweat mixed together in a nauseous blend.

There seemed to be no way to spot Rosalie in the sea of people. I glanced at the time on my phone again. There were still twenty minutes before the opening started. I found a quiet corner and leaned against the wall. The first thing I liked to do in any arena was to observe. It gave an advantage that is otherwise often overlooked.

Majority of the people seemed to be from extremely rich families. Expensive jewellery, phones and watches flashing under the conundrum of lights. Towards my right was a long bar, the wall behind it stacked with hundreds and hundreds of bottles. A few bartenders were mesmerizing the gleeful crowd with their mixology. I gazed at them for a while, before the music stopped suddenly. I seized up for a second before a loud male voice blared over the speakers.

"Harbour city! How are we doing today?"

A raucous cheer followed his words, followed by wolf whistles and downright screaming. I worked hard to keep my face impassive as the disembodied voice continued.

"Welcome to the littest club in town! Thirst!"

I cringed inwardly at his usage of words. I had to give him an A- for the effort at least. I strained my eyes and started searching for the source of the voice.

My heart skipped in trepidation when I saw a man, standing on a makeshift platform set at the very end of the room as he roared into the mic. 

"And without further dilly-dallying, here, friends and foes is the woman. Of. The. Hour. Rosalie Atkinson!"

The thunderous din that rose could break the skies.

I flinched, struggling to keep my eyes trained on the woman who was now taking the microphone. Hundreds of arms waving in the air were obstructing my vision. However, I managed to catch a slight glimpse of her stunning face. Her gorgeous blonde hair and hourglass figure. It was unmistakably Rosalie.

"Hello everyone!"

Her voice was deep. Commanding. Sexy. It instinctively made my skin crawl in pleasure.

"I would bore you with a speech but we gotta live in the moment so-!" She flashed a dazzling smile, lifting an arm as the music started again, sending another thunderous cheer through the crowd. It was clear that she had a way with the masses. She was casting a spell. A hazy trance over the already drunk crowd.

I craned my neck to try and get a better view. I could scarcely hear her over the applause. She handed the mic back to the previous guy and started climbing down the stage. I hoped she would stick around long enough for me to act on my plan.

I started making my way through the crowd, straining my eyes so as to not lose track of her. Finally, she emerged from the sea of people and made her way to a small circular table with four women, all dressed in exquisite clothing. Even in the midst of her elite friends, her sexy, alluring black dress was accentuating her figure in a way that was leaving me breathless. She stood out without trying to. 

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