Too Old to be Babysat

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“Mom, you look so amazing in that dress. It flatters your jelly rolls,” I said. I smiled, knowing she would get annoyed with my comment. However, she didn’t say a word.

It puzzled me a bit, considering the fact that she would come up with a snide, even ruder comment. This was our relationship every day.

After a few seconds she finally looked at me and replied, “Sahra, within two weeks of summer and you really have nothing to do that you’re actually going to pick on me? Go make some friends!” She paused for a bit. “No. I got it. You’re going to get your fat butt off the couch and go make some green. By that I mean cash.”

“But mom I have so much homework over the summer, and I’ll never ever have time to finish! I mean, you always steal my money! Every time dad gives me allowance you ask me to borrow some money and if I say no you like, mug me!”

“Shut up, starting tomorrow you’re going to look for a job. I don’t care because this is MY house and MY rules. In fact, I know a friend of mine who has two very dear sons to her who need an adult to watch over them while they’re at their honeymoon trip in Cancun.”

Adult my ass, I'm only 16! 

My ears felt hot, my eyes started to burn and my head filled with hot fury. I could have just said no and ran away as fast as I can maniacally while she tried to catch me since she is fifty pounds heavier than me, she would have just thrown anything in her hands.

By the way let me add that she was cutting meat up. BUT since I am such a good person all I could muster up was a, “why.”

Without looking at me she calmly answered, “Well, it’s time I should finally let you drive now. I think you are old enough, probably not mentally but after this… job I think you will be fine,” She stopped for a moment, her strong tan hands put down the knife.

She looked at me, her dirty brown eyes met my brown eyes, and then she giggled.

Why on earth would she giggle?

She was never that type of person. I mean, my mother never smiled.

I don’t know why, but my dad fell in love with her because of her macho ways. By that I mean a long story I don’t really want to share since it’s pretty embarrassing.

But anyways, she giggled. Why? It made me curious, I wanted to know.

Maybe this ‘friend’ she knew is a mafia member with mafia kids who think fun is passing around a knife? Or maybe they want me to take care of these boys who were so badly behaved they would probably be starred in World’s Dumbest Children?

Oh no.

My mom got me nervous and she knew it. Finally snapping out of it, I see her smiling even more, this time her smile was like a U shape.

Then I got to deeper thinking. I can use the money to buy a car though. I mean it’s probably not going to be enough to buy a car, but I can use some of that money and save up more to buy one in the future. Maybe this won’t be bad after all. I stared at her and said, “Sure. I’ve got nothing to lose. Nothing.”

“Oh yes honey you do.”

Too Old to be Babysat (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now