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"You all ready to get on the bus now?" Abby asks us. It was the day before the competition and I was so nervous. This was going to be our first competition with the ALDC. We all respond yes and then head to the bus.

"Hey want sit with me on the bus?" Brady asked me.

"Can I sit with you on the way back? I promised Sarah I would sit with her." He nodded.

"Yeah of course!" He exclaimed before sitting next to Lilly. I smiled and sat down next to Sarah.

"Remember this is your first competition representing the ALDC you are now part of that legacy. I am proud of you and I want you to be apart of that legacy but everyone's replaceable. Alright let's go!" And with that we were off.

The bus ride was nice, Sarah and I watched The originals to prepare for the release of Legacies on Netflix. We were on the fourth episode of season 1 when we arrived in New Jersey.

When we pulled up the the building we were going to dance at there were crowds of people waiting to see Abby. It shocked my nerves back and I was suddenly nervous again. We got off the bus and walked through the crowd into the dressing room with the pink ALDC sign in front of it.

"Abby that was crazy, what did it feel like when you were like on top of the world?" Stacey asked Abby once we entered the room. I pulled out my vanity and set it up next to Brady and Sarah.

"I felt like Rocky at the top of the steps. I was like yeahhhh!!" All of us clapped as Abby raised her hands mimicking Rocky. "Yes yes! So first up two trios and the duet. I need your guys make up and your hairs done, this is it there's no turning back now." We all nodded. I felt so bad for Shelby. She was the only one and the oldest one that didn't have a trio. I began to do my makeup while my mom worked on my hair. It was a forties style costume. So my mom placed my hair in a twist as I did some brown eyeshadow. Once she was done I placed on my fake lashes and bright red lipstick. When I was ready I sat next to Brady on the couch thing as the trio "the favorite" practiced.

"Sarah where's your spacing?" Abby yelled out. I was so nervous. If Lilly was making mistakes as well as Sarah and Press, then I had no clue how I was going to preform.

"Hey Berks, don't worry, we are going to be fine." Brady reassured me, giving my hand a light squeeze. I smiled.

As soon as the dance was done drama started. Stacey said something about Sarah and Acro and being an immediate dancer. I loved Lilly but Stacey right now was the worst mother. She caused all the drama, Well her and Chloe. As soon as the drama started it ended. Abby had quickly shut it down telling Sarah she was an advanced dancer.

"Alright I need to see the Devil and the backup dancers." The music for there trio began to play as they marked through it. Abby gave out corrections throughout. Once they were done Ann pulled Hannah to the side to talk to her.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐠── BRADY FARRARWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt