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"How do you know about that?!" Felix yelled at the girl in front of him.

"Well I saw that you and changbin weren't at school so I decided to see where you guys where." She admitted to them.

"You're a fucking stalker!" Changbin yelled at her.

"Hey don't yell at me because I have control over you." Sana replies with a smirk on her face.

"What do you mean?" The red haired boy asked her as he crossed his arms.

"You say something I don't like and I'll post this." She said pulling out her phone showing the couple a video of them fucking.

"Where did you get that!?" They both yelled in unison while trying to grab her phone but she pulled it away.

"When I was looking for you guys I came across and open window at changbins house and saw you guys and then decided to use this against you." The small girl retorted and out her phone away.

"Now tell the whole school that you fucked Felix or I'll show them that you did."

"Fine I will but only if you delete the video."

"Deal" she said as the two shook hands.

"Um excuse me everyone! I have something to say!" Changbin yelled as he stood in the middle of the hall way. Once he got most peoples attention he started to say.

"I fucked Felix" he admitted causing the people in the hall to scream at him and make disgusted noises.

"And what's wrong with that?! I love felix and people are aloud to show that they love someone no matter what the gender! I know we're not the only gay ones at this school so don't act like we're not normal!" The dark haired boy continued to say.

"And you can bully us as much as you want but we're not gonna stop loving each other!" He pulled Felix to his side and everyone, even some teachers, were watching them.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay or loving someone of the same gender!" He added on before giving Felix a hug.

"I'm gay!" Jisung yelled as he walked out of the crowd towards the couple.

"So am I!" Hyunjin came out and joined them.

"Me too!" A kid named Minho came out too.

"And so am I!" A freshman named Jeongin yelled.

"See and I bet there are a lot more, so don't judge us and call us abnormal when there are plenty of us to take you down." The crow around them grew silent.

"I'm sorry Felix." A voice came from the crowd. It was the guy that always bullied Felix, the one that covered the innocent boy in his own food.

"I shouldn't have judged you I just didn't want to stand out." He admitted with a pleading face.

"It's ok." Felix replied with a smile. A lot of people came to there senses and new what they were doing was wrong. They apologized and said that them being gay was ok and they shouldn't hide it. A lot more people came out after that and they weren't afraid to show it.

"She's running away!" Felix yelled when he saw sana running towards the doors.

𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺-𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘅Where stories live. Discover now