▪︎《Chapter 2》▪︎

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I wake the next morning to find an beautiful brown owl sitting at my windowsill. I immediately, as if on instinct, move to open the window. The owl flies in and drops a letter on my bed, then leaves. I move the letter from my bed to my desk and get dressed. After dressing I walk downstairs. 'I'll read the letter later.' I move to the kitchen and quickly help Harry with breakfast.

▪︎《After Breakfast》▪︎

I walk up to my room and sit at my desk. Looking at the letter, I get a little weirded out by the fact that it says where I sleep. Deciding to open it, I carefully peal at the red seal with an odd crest on it.

(Front of envelope)

Willow L. Potter

First Bedroom on the Left

Number 4 Privet Drive



Dear Ms. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at . Please find enclosed a of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I grab into the envelope again and find the other letter as well as a ticket saying 9 3/4 and directions on how to get to the platform.

I read through both and see I need to go to a place called 'Diagon Alley'? Sighing I walk downstairs with my letter and into the living area where the three Dursleys sit. They all look up and I hold my letter to Aunt Petunia. She grabs it and reads. A horrified look comes across her face and she looks up at me.

"You shouldn't have read this! You- You freak! Go pack everything! Now!" I quickly run up the stairs to my room and begin to pack items into my room. I pack my clothes, my 2 pairs off shoes, my locket from my parents, my baby blanket, and a stuffed cat I've had since I was found on the doorstep with Harry. After that I move downstairs and see aunt Petunia by the door, dressed. She gets me in the car and we drive to...

An Orphanage? I'm really leaving the Dursleys and Harry? Just because I have magic? But doesnt Harry have it too?

She throws my trunk out of the car, sneers at me, and drives off. I sigh and pick my case up, looking up at the tall building and reading the iron fence that says the name of said building.

Wool's Orphanage

Woo hoo! Finished! Sorry it's short. Since I'm home schooled I still have school meaning I dont have as much free time. Anyway!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter if there was something you didnt understand in this please dont hesitate to ask!

Bai little Hats!
~Ryan Hatter

Her stuffed cat

Her stuffed cat

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