Chapter Nineteen: Dead Heard

Beginne am Anfang

"You guys go. Keep me updated," I cock my gaze to Scott as he nods as Malia and Lydia walk away with him, back to the car. Parrish stands back to his feet, as I cock my gaze upon him. "I won't let you get hurt," I told him as that was a promise.

"I know," he states as he extended his arm out and grabbed my shoulder and gave me a side-way hug as I wrapped my hands around him.

"Takeout tonight? I'm kind of tired to cook," I state to him as I lean onto him.

"Chinese or Indian?" Parrish asks, making me tilt my head up to stare at him.

"Chinese," I replied to his question.

"Chinese it is," he states as he leans down and places a kiss upon my lips, as it was sweet and loving. "The usual?" He states as he pulls back from the kiss, as all I could do was nod at him. I didn't know what we were, but I knew I was falling head over heels for him...


Parrish got the takeout and we enjoyed the rest of the night talking to one another, when we talked our problems seemed to melted away

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Parrish got the takeout and we enjoyed the rest of the night talking to one another, when we talked our problems seemed to melted away. We just enjoyed one another's company. He also slept the night, but we just cuddled in bed... Naked...

I woke to the birds chirping away, as the door that lead out to the balcony was letting sunlight through, hitting me right in the eyes. I turn slowly on my left side, so the light didn't hit me. Just then, Parrish's alarm went off, making me groan. But I flutter my eyes open to see Parrish laid on his back just for a moment as he began to stir awake.

"Morning," my voice was soft and soothing as he turns his head to look at me.

"Morning," his voice was groggy as he was just waking up. "You came to bed late? What were you doing?" he asks with with a raised eyebrow. As it was true, I did come to bed later than him because I was doing something. I shift up the bed, sitting up right as I leaned on the headboard as Parrish followed suit.

"You know I'll always try to be there to protect you," I began as I stare into his green alluring eyes. "But I can't be everywhere at once. So," I held my left had out flat, my palm showing. Just then, a shimmer of light appeared and within seconds the shimmer faded and left was a plain leather bracelet...

 Just then, a shimmer of light appeared and within seconds the shimmer faded and left was a plain leather bracelet

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The Forgotten 🐺Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt