Victoria closed the door behind her and stood silently. Granny Vine sipped a glass of tea and placed it on the table. Her knuckles began to numb.

"Where did you find that guy?

"In Oxford-I mean in London."

"What's his name?"

"Adam. Adam Earldon."

Granny Vine tucked her hair on her ear. Victoria was about to shake a little. From fear. Granny's voice was stern yet soft. But for her, she's strict.

"Is related to somebody?"

"Yes. The Lord of Sheffield."

"Are you okay?" Granny Vine asked. Victoria swallowed and replied.

"Not really."

Her grandma chuckled. "I'm not going to scare you, Honey!"

Victoria gave a better laugh. "I'm sorry for that!"

"I'm just curious." She turned to the window. "He's a nice person."

"He's weird sometimes. And rare."

"Chivalry is rare nowadays." Granny Vine spoke after sipping another cup of tea.

Victoria's mind rushed back to moment a while ago and the Friday night. The hankerchief and the table.

"Only few men can do that! Pretty weird for these modern gals." her grandma added.

Granny Vine turned back on her table, placing the cup on it. "He's normally good-looking."

"I mean you can say he's handsome if you keep looking at him." She explained further when she found Victoria widened her eyes. "He's handsome."

"I'm not into stuff like romance." Victoria rolled her eyes.

"This isn't romantic?"

Victoria shook her head in disagreement.

"You're twenty seven. Your brothers were already taken. One got married. " Granny Vine huffed. "Then you?"

"I see him as a friend."

"Friend? What about the attempted kiss?"

"That isn't makes sense."

Her grandmother giggled like a teenager who met her boyfriend. While Victoria was a bit nervous when she was with Adam.

This is strange. It's normal for her to mingle with the boys but with Adam. She found him very interesting and weird.

"Wait? Did you-"

"Yes! I'm so proud of you, my darling!"

"We never kissed."

"Exactly! I saw it like watching a movie." Granny Vine places her hands on the table and leaned forward to Victoria. "You want to kiss him?"

"Eeww no!" Yes.

"Don't lie to your Granny..."

"Fine. I little bit." Yes. Totally love to.

"Vicky is now a girl!" Granny Vine cheered.

"My goodness! Who told you that she's a boy?"

"You showed us how you act like."

"Thanks to my cousin."

"Oh!" Granny Vine remembered what she wants to say. She grabbed the special envelope with a ribbon on. "Your cousin is engaged to a Billionaire."

"Does she have engagement party?"

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