Chapter 19

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Billie checked the time once more, yawning. "Oh! It's 12:00. Happy birthday, mamas." She sighed. "I can proudly say I was first to tell you 'happy birthday.'"

I shook my head, laughing at her. "Yep."

"We should probably go to sleep. I don't want you to be tired tomorrow." She turned the TV off and turned over onto her side, facing me. "Goodnight, baby."


Billie wrapped her arms loosely around my waist. I sat on my phone for a couple hours and then decided to try to go to sleep again. I twisted and turned for a while until Billie finally said something. "Can't sleep?"


She pulled me closer to her and I rested my head on her chest. She put her hand under my shirt and lightly scratched my back, humming.


I woke up to Billie kissing my forehead. "Wake up, baby."

I groaned and rolled over.

She laughed and kissed my nose, pulling me up. "Come on. You have to get up. We have stuff to do today."

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her down with me. "Five more minutes."

"Okay. Just know, you brought this upon yourself." She pulled the covers off of me and started tickling me.

I curled up into a ball of laughter. "Okay. I'm getting up. Stop."

I stood up and stretched, examining Billie's outfit. She was wearing a black Blohsh hoodie, a black Blohsh beanie, and black shorts.

I got up and got ready for the day. Billie walked up behind me as I set her hairbrush down. She locked eyes with me in the mirror and pulled out a small box. "I got you this for your birthday." She handed it to me and I opened it.

It was a necklace. I examined it for a minute before handing it to Billie. "Can you put it on me?"

"Of course." She put it on me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck. I turned to face her.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome." She lifted me onto the counter, kissing down from my lips to my neck.

My breath hitched as she placed her lips on my neck. I put my hand on the back of her neck before sliding it into her hair, tilting my head so she had better access to my neck. I let out a small moan as she found my pulse point. "Billie," I protested, my voice coming out as a whisper. I felt her smile against my neck. My heart raced as she placed a hand on my bare thigh. She moved back to my mouth and her tongue glided over my bottom lip, ushering me to open my mouth.

Finneas pushed the bathroom door the rest of the way open. "Happy birthday, Mackenz..." He froze when he saw us, his face growing red. Billie backed away from me. "My bad." He turned around and walked out.

I turned to look at Billie, my mouth slightly open and my cheeks burning. She simply shrugged and chuckled. I hit her in the chest sending her a glare. "That was embarrassing."

"He's walked in on worse," Billie admitted.

I pressed my lips together. "Okay."

A few hours later, we were all gathered around the kitchen table playing Monopoly. Finneas rolled the dice and groaned as he realized he landed on Billie's property. It's Park Place. She owned both of the dark blue properties and had hotels on them. "Pay up, Fin." She smirked. Finneas scraped up the money to pay her after selling some houses.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now