4. What now

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Another day at hogwarts going to all the classes with my friends, and we run into Draco and his goons. I haven't really ran into Draco since we started studying about a month ago and he's been nice to me.

"Oh look it's Potter and his little friends in our way again." He sneered.

"Go away Malfoy." I said thinking he'd lesson because we've been hanging out and he's been nice to me.

"And what are you going to do you git." He said coldly. It hurt. It really hurt. Draco has been nice to me and now... now he's a jerk.

"Your just a selfish jerk face! You'll never be anything but that!" I snapped in his face, for a second his face softened and in his grey eyes was hurt. But it hardened again, and he laughed.

"And your just as selfish for only caring about yourself!" He yelled back. I fought back tears and ran off. I heard Harry yell at Malfoy and Hermione call my name, but I kept running.

I ran back to my room and started crying. Draco was nice to me but I guess it was all an act, just so he could hurt me harder. I heard someone come in, it was Hermione.

"Clara what's going on? You never let Malfoy get to you like that." She sat down next to me, "why are you crying?" She wrapped an arm around me and hugged me.

"I sick of it. Why can't Malfoy leave us alone?" I couldn't tell her the truth, that me and Draco where kind of like friends and then he stabbed my back, with his words.

"I don't know." She said Honestly.

There was a Knock on the door, Harry and Ron came in. And sat down next to us, so now there all on the floor around me crying.

"Clara, don't let Malfoy get to you." Harry wiped a tear off my cheek. It made me blush a little but I don't think they could see that. Me and Harry have gotten closer over the past month, and I can't help but think sometimes if he likes me.

"He's just a bloody idiot to mess with you." Ron added.

I smiled, "thanks guys." And hugged them.

We went to class after that and I saw Draco, he just smirked at me like Nothing happened. Like he never hurt me. How could he just sit there and not care about a thing that happened?

After Transfiguration with McGonagall I saw Cedric in the library and ran up to him.

"Hey Cedric can you talk right now?" I asked really hoping he'd say yes. I need to tell someone the truth.

"Yeah." He replied

I made sure no one was here and I told him everything.

"Wow." Thats all he said. "Do you like him? Draco?"

I laughed, "of corse I like Him." Oh did I just say that!? "I mean no. I mean I don't know Cedric." A tear came down my cheek.

He hugged me, "it's ok." He whispered. I smiled and thought about how great full I am to have such a good friend like Cedric.

"Well my first quidditch game is coming up at the end of the week if you wanna come?" He asked

"I loved to!" I smiled.

"Ok well I'll see you later Clara." He picked up his books.

"Yeah, you to." And we went our ways my to classes.

I had the next class with Harry so I was happy to see him again. He asked where I went, I told him I talked to Cedric but not about what I said. I may have told Cedric I have a crush on Harry as well.

"So my first quidditch game is this weekend. I was Wondering if you'd like to come watch?" Harry asked, he seemed really Nervous for some reason.

"Yeah sure! I was already going to see Cedric play so that works." I smiled, but Harry seemed I little upset at the Mention of Cedric.

"Ok great." And that's all he said.

After classes where over I went to my room and found a note on my bed, it read:

Meet me in the astronomy tower at midnight

It wasn't signed but I knew it was Draco, from the writing. I didn't won't to go but I needed to clear things up with him. He hurt me and I needed to tell him at least that.

The time past very slowly, I waited in my room the whole time til it was 10 minutes before midnight and started for the meeting place. I got there just in time but I'm sure Malfoy would say that I was late.

"Perfectly late like usual." Was the first thing he said. And when he opened his book like we normally would do.

"Malfoy we need to talk." I said coldly.

He looked up at me in the eye Which sent shivers down my spine, "about what?" Did he seriously not know? How dumb are boys?

"Jeez I don't know. how about what happened this morning!" I raised my voice.

He stood up and walked over to me, "so it wasn't a big deal."

"Wasn't a big deal!?" I yelled not caring how loud I was. "You called me names! And hurt me!"

"Yeah well you called me a jerk!" He yelled.

I looked in his sliver eyes, "you hurt me." I whispered, looking at the ground holding back tears.

I looked back up to see His face softened, and he looked sad. "Sorry." He said.

He wasn't sorry, I'm sure he's just playing me or something. "Hell you're not sorry!" I Poked his chest making him Step back.

Anger boiled inside me "You don't care about me! You hate or-"

I was cut off by him grabbing my hands and his lips on mine. I don't know why but I kissed back. His lips felt perfect, and his hands went up my arms to my face, and he touched my cheek and pulled away breaking the kiss.

My first kiss was with my Enemy, Draco Malfoy. I couldn't believe it.

"I don't hate you Clara." He said softly, "I like you." I was Speechless. Draco likes me. And with that Draco left me, he ran down the stairs. I just stood there in the tower alone with the weirdest feeling inside.

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