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i dragged my feet, heading to up the staircases of the school building. the water from my soaked top fell to the ground, creating a trail of water. my hair felt heavy and the papers i was carrying was drenched.

"stupid kids," i mumbled to myself. some idiots from the 3rd year sprayed me with a hose they were using to clean up the swimming pool.

i sneezed loudly, shivering slightly as i opened the door.

"(y-n)-san, what happened?" tsuchigomori-kun asked, turning around.

"i got sprayed by water and i was wondering if you had a spare shirt" i asked, closing the door behind me and placing my soaked documents on the table.

"w-what?" tsuchigomori-san asked, eyes glued to my shirt.

i furrowed my brows in confusion. "do you have any spare shirts?"

"ah, yes i do. its in this cabinet." he cleared his throat and slid his chair to the cabinet, opening it and rummaging around.

i made my way to where he was and stayed beside him, looking down at the cabinet.

"here it-" he looked up at me and stopped, a slight pink dusted on his cheeks.

"what's wrong?" i asked, tilting my head.

"i can see your-" he cleared his throat again. "-undergarments."

i jumped back in surprise, using my hand to attempt to cover it up.

i muttered a quick thank you and snatched the shirt away from him. i scrambled to skedaddle out of the small room. i grasp the door handle and pushed it open.


i turned my head around, still embarrassed from the earlier events.

"if you want, i could show you mine too," he chuckled flirtatiously and looked me in the eye.

my face was as red as a bell pepper as i froze up and a billion improper images flashed in my mind.

before he had a chance to get up, i slammed the door shut and ran away.

i guess i have to say goodbye to those important documents.


lesser and lesser everyday.

,*'jshk σиɛƨнσтƨ'*,Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora