About YOU - before you read

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First name: (y/n)
Last name: Yukimura
Age: 16
Birthday: (b/d)

Hair color: (h/c)
Hair length: (h/l)
Skin color/tone: (s/c) (s/t)
Eye color: (e/c)
Ethnicity: Europe, (y/c)
Nickname: (n/n)
Mother's first name: (m/f/n)
Father's first name: (f/f/n)
Gender: Female
Species: Blood Maiden
Height: 5'1 (1.54)

Favorite color: (f/c)
Favorite ____: (f/_)
Blood type: (b/t)

(Play song now if you wish to)

Crush/love interest: Zero, Kaname, Aido, Kain, Ichijo, Senri, Shiro, (any other special request may be considered).
Boy you end up with: (optional)

Synopsis: Being different hurt, but now that (y/n) knows she is not who she thought she was, the pain turns to numbness. Memories are being dug up and secrets are being revealed, and she has no choice but to keep walking a path she carved for herself a long time ago. It's hard, but she continues with the help of her loved ones. Until a man from her past begins to haunt her dreams-then her life.
(Y/n) is given a crown drenched in blood and a chest filled with the regrets of her past life. Being the Queen is not easy, specially when there is still a vacant seat for a king beside her. The power she owns scares her, especially when the ghosts from her past come hunting for it. All that's left is to choose: fall with grace or rise with guilt.

Personality: (Y/n) is gentle and warmhearted and just a little shy and cheerful. She tries to be optimistic, but is easily overwhelmed by her worries. She always puts others' well-being before her own. Even though she turned a bit more serious and distant after being told her secret, she tries to be the same (y/n) from before, just more mature. Fighting isn't her thing, but if needed, she can take on opponents bigger than herself with no problem. She can sometimes be a little stubborn.

Additional Info.
Partner's Name: Shiro Kiryu
Age and gender: 18 / Male
Species: Vampire / Formerly Level E
Weapon: Twin guns
Appearance: Pale blue eyes, snow white hair in medium length, has porcelain skin, is slender and fit. Has a height of 6'0 (1.83).
Personality: Serious and stoic, always straightforward. Gentle and very protective around (y/n). Has a temper and talking sarcastically is his specialty. Despises vampires and humans the same, he doesn't care at all what happens to either species unless (y/n) cares. Only if a direct order is given to him, he will follow it. Easily offended in some cases.
Relatives: Twins Zero and Ichiru Kiryu, deceased mother, deceased father.

- (Y/n) was formerly a Vampire Hunter.
- Her anti-vampire weapon is a whip that can solidify into a thin sword. It goes by the name Eclipse. It is the only weapon capable of killing her as the Blood Maiden.

A/n: Hello Reader-chan and welcome back!!I hope you enjoy the second book as much as you enjoyed the first! Be patient with me please!! Now go on and read!!

This book may contain triggers, sexual content, violence, mentions of death or suicide, self-harming, etc. Read at your own risk; there will be no warning beforehand after this. Thank you.

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